Completely agree, very well put.
Completely agree, very well put.
I disagree, Hopper is a great character and season 3 made him a way deeper character. Yes, he was unlikable and overreacted and what not all through large parts of season 3. But that’s part of why his character became more interesting: Because once the letter was read at the end of the season, it all came together and…
Overall this sale was confusing to me, too. I didn’t understand the game associated with it very well. Then they made it a bit less convoluted and i still didn’t fully get it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing a fun game around a sale, i actually like it, it was just, yeah, a bit too confusing this time.
I have lots of items on my wishlist (several hundred actually) and so yes, you’re right, being on a wishlist does not automatically mean a person is intending to buy it or intending to buy it soon.
ok, well, in that case the same applies with playing VR sitting experience VR games as playing any regular screen game. And for full roomscale games the same applies as when doing any other sports activity. So do the reasonable thing and check up on pet not nearby and under good care if it requires it.
I think you’re conflating at least 3 very different things into one there.
Regarding marking your play space and seeing the boundaries when passing them and also being able to toggle the pass through cams, i agree, that is a great feature and like you said, it’ll surely stepwise get extended further until one can see the real world with stuff augmented nicely better and better etc.
I like that aspect of the Magic Leap design (even though an AR headset and not a VR one and in a different price league, one can still compare such form factor aspects) where it has the compute, battery etc in that small hockeypuck one clips onto the trousers or somewhere and so the headset can be lighter and also…
Exactly, you pretty much nailed it =)
A console controller is not comparable to a VR headset. A console controller is at best comparable to the controllers of a VR headset.
yeah, i agree the balancing is better on Rift and PSVR headsets.
ok, yeah, i had gotten around 20 =)
fair enough, and yeah, i agree, more other direct steaming options out of the box would be nice, maybe they add some over time.
Nice review Mike. Pretty much how i feel about the Quest, too after using it for a while.
Yeah, i have PC VR headsets already, too and for sure hope they get continued, too since that’s where the cutting edge of what’s possible in VR will be for the next few years, but that all aside, i also got a Quest for the quick in quick out aspect and love that aspect about it.
One can sideload apps it doesn’t have, though for any mobile VR ones of course best once it gets the enhanced ports specifically for it.
There is an extra “spacer” included in the box for people with glasses. I wear glasses and i could use it with my small glasses fine without the spacer. If one has bigger rim glasses one just puts that spacer into the headset which gives one, well, more space for the glasses.
One can stream to anything one wants, even though if other options are more work involved. You can output the stream to a recent chromecast (i use the latest ultra version, dunno if others work as good as that one) and from there one can grab the picture with some other app one uses for recording/streaming.
There are already apps which allow to use it as wireless headset for PC VR titles.