“No, its advantages are primarily in the Publisher’s hands.”
“No, its advantages are primarily in the Publisher’s hands.”
Exactly. And it’s also a bad business model. Because if one does it in fair way towards the players, so buys the used games at relatively high prices and adds as little as possible own profit margin on top, well, then one does not make much profit oneself (and still hurts the developers and publishers of games). If…
yeah, all good points, i agree on all those likely reasonings. yeah, overall i agree, likely would make most sense to tone it down for all of them a tad and then for some even a bit more.
yeah, i agree. right now i wonder about how i best handle it for the enemies. At first i had no silhouettes for both players and enemies. then i changed it to all (not dead ones) having them. But then for the enemies i feel like that gives a weird feel to it because now one then always sees the enemies. so now i’m…
Exactly =) When i see an over muscular guy on levels which are not explainable with regular training, it always first makes me think of a heart condition coming up soon and second that the poor guy built up all those muscles in that way and has his dick shrunk down in return now. Not that i care much about dick…
haha, that would be ironic =) I mean i get it, bigger muscles look more powerful and all that, but i feel like they go way too far there, looking at them it just seems so extremely unnatural and doping based at this point that it makes me wonder if they will collapse any minute from the side effects of the steroids =)
nice, now i feel reinforced in my decision to have put silhouettes on the characters into my iso 3d game for the exactly same reasoning =)
It’s cool to see those characters (again), but what’s up with the steroids usage for all of them?
I think it’s a very good article.
It depends on the game/challenge type.
You’re welcome =) It’s not so silly assumptions, i notice that often that people from other countries think Germany censors talking about the Nazi time because one usually only hears about games with Nazi symbols getting censored in Germany.
As someone who lived long in Germany i can tell you that mustache is a complete no go in Germany =)
Hitler’s mustache is not removed from historical photos/videos/history books etc in Germany. Nor are Nazi symbols in such history documenting material removed etc.
The only valid reason i find to hate Super Mario Galaxy is if one would rate the post credits content separately from the pre credits content.
a bigger screen thanks to smaller bezels on top/bottom would definitively be nice for an updated version. Smaller bezels on the sides, hm, dunno about that one because there may be games which use the device just in tablet mode (no controllers) and then side bezels are useful for being able to hold it without…
Sorry, your arguing based on no practical experience just doesn’t make any sense to me. talk with a bunch of developers (like me) who have worked on both VR and non vr games and likely all of them will tell you working on VR games is more work for the reasons i mentioned and various others.
Sorry, but no, you’re just wrong there on many points.
The costs of developing VR are a good bit higher than developing similar non VR content.
As a european i totally didn’t get why even male nipples were made such a topic