
hm, yeah, true, too =( =)

Yes, exactly. There would for example be way less environmental and economic ruin if there would be for example an e sports or fast maths doing or many other challenges than for many sports activites.

As i said, i would suggest rethinking the Olympics as not about just a championship to crown the best in athletic challenges but to be the ultimate championship to crown the best in many fields where lots of humans compete, no matter if that requires physical skills or mental or other ones.

i feel like a part of the nutty things are exactly because it is restricted to these types of sports right now.

yes, sure, games don’t involve much physicality (unless it’s kinect or dance dance revolution or full body VR games), but yeah, i think it would be way neater and more fun if the focus would be just put on finding the best in the world in a field, no matter if that field involves physical activity or not. then it

I totally agree with you. It is already nonsensical when some see it as core rule that there would have to be physical activity involved, yet there are already many categories in the olympics where really, one would have to be very generous to see it as physical activity and in many fields the physical activity is not

yes, that’s exactly what i’m saying, too though. That’s not what the Olympics are right now. But maybe it’s time we rethink what the Olympics should be. Because really, it’s not just about doing a sports activity, the core idea of the Olympics is people competing to find the best in a field, that is what’s important

At first i thought like some of the other comments i saw. E Sports isn’t really a very physical activity (unless one would consider full body motion VR games or dance dance revolution or something like that).

i totally thought the same, rabbids started as cool characters in my eyes but then they pushed the ADD irreverence more than the charming creativity (while still halfway making sense) too much for a while in my eyes. So i expected something a bit trashy and too ADD for my liking up front. But once one watched a few

I’ll get this game asap =)

i didn’t see her pilgrim game as walking sim, more as a traditional adventure/rpg mix.

I’m totally gonna buy this one =)

It has really turned into a video game, for the better and the worse =)

Note: i’m all for pacifistic solutions and coming to agreements in peaceful way with ones who are willing to talk and listen.

Sure one shouldn’t make such things about oneself, like, ever, but if one is one of the good ones, one should speak loudly and unite so those who are not the good ones see they are in the minority.

Yeah, i was worried something like this could happen.

And ranked #2948: QTEs

so what would be needed in the remaster would be intentionally used and well placed depth of field, focus blur, volumetric and distance fog etc. Basically things to put in focus what was meant to be focussed.

brings back memories =)

to me it looks like that, too is made up of sprites and it just looks way more 3d because thanks to the 4 tower sprites it is made up off the parallax effect is way stronger when one roates the view and they have heavy parallax while scrolling below each other close by.