
I maybe have a logical explanation for all this: You know, some people say men don’t think straight when the blood goes between their legs instead of into the brain. Now i think (hope, but it could explain a lot if not) that regular men with one penis have enough blood in the body to support both the brain and the

I thought it was fun they used the PSVR. It looks solid and believable as a sci fi VR goggles thing if one doesn’t know what it is and if one does, well, i didn’t have a problem with that either. If they hadn’t used it and made something custom, well, it likely wouldn’t have looked better.

haha, that top photo is both so funny and so sad at the same time =)

yeah, phone VR is basically nice as trying basic VR with hardware one already has, i just get saddened sometimes when some people only try a basic low res streamed 360 movie on cardboard or gear vr or a game with way cut down controls etc on those and think that’s the state VR is at in general =( =)

It’s cool you don’t buy it right now, i’m not here to convince you to buy it now or ever =)

Something like Cardboard, Gear VR and Daydream is ok to get a very rudimentary VR experience, but yeah, it’s nowhere near comparable to PC VR on Vive and Rift. On Vive and Rift one can have pc level content/graphics , full head tracking, excellently tracked controllers etc. So yeah, not the same thing at all.

Hey, if something is too long for you to read, don’t read it, no need to be a dick about it. When a topic interests me enough to write something lengthy about it, it’s totally fine only those reply who find it interesting enough to read.

Nah, that’s super passionate/trolly extreme view people on both sides, not what those more reasonable think.

To me it doesn’t matter that much how long a game is. I want the experience that is there to be fun/cool/intense and/or unique and satisfying as it is, that’s most important to me.

Not sure if we’ll see a PSVR 2 anytime soon either, but regarding PC VR we’ll for sure see future iterations with enhanced capabilities a few years down the line. We’re in early days of the technology, so we’ll see improvements on all ends over the next few years.

Nah, the market has not seen it yet largely. Most of my friends have not seen it yet, sometimes i take the time and show some and they are all impressed and enjoy it a lot. Some of them then buy it, for others they want to wait until the headsets or the pc hardware for it is cheaper. Now that the Rift got a

yeah, i see it like you. I find it a bit weird that some want to immediately treat something as died when just what is to be expected happens, which is after one initially being mega hyped when trying something very unique, one gets used to it and then it becomes one of the options one uses in between when one has

I think something like Vive and Rift are pushed out in about the right speed, they are more expensive (when one counts the pc in to get) but it is stepwise upgraded and first aimed at enthusiasts and/or professionals in many fields.

The general audience has not moved past VR, most of the general audience has never tried high end VR yet. Have you tried stuff on the Vive and Rift already?

Yes, there is porn, of course and yes, that, too is more immersive =)

Me personally i’m ok with high end VR right now used by enthusiasts (like me) and think it will take other things for it to become mass market adopeted which will just happen semi automatically over time.

yes, thank you for noticing. We can have a much more interesting conversation though if you reply about the content of the comment instead of about the length.

Tilt Brush, Super Hot VR etc etc would like to disagree =)

There is no “well known issue of nausea” like as a general thing applying to all content. Other than for people who get nauseous easily in general, well made for VR content taking the guidelines for VR dev in consideration running on good hardware does not cause nausea for most people.

Yeah, i understand, but that’s all highly subjective.