
I think a lot of people have not played many or any good VR games or any at all yet and assume that there still aren’t that many great VR games to play and other types of none game apps to use.

very cool. I’d love it if they’d release this for Rift and Vive on Steam.

Thanks for this great article Zoë, such an excellent piece bridging and comparing the hows and whys and risks of compartmentalising things as it fit in the past and how such different but yet very similar things are done today.

A big part of the problem is in the part that the thing is called autopilot.

Thanks, this was a really nice read.

Pretty much totally agree. One of the best Sci Fi series of the last few years and besides the (very well done) Sci Fi part, yeah, it is really a great politics series.

I think it shows how great the system is. I mean sure, if pretty much no one would use it out of the dock that would clearly indicate a design issue, but seeing the poll results and the comments, yeah, looks like it’s very varied how people use it.

I would totally agree with you that it is cool for those reasons to have it turned on by default, if:

The advice/suggestion ain’t bad (at all), and i see it that way for a good long while, too and try to learn new things constantly.

Yeah, sure, if the things were not selling at all i’d agree with you, but last time i check Sony alone had already sold over a million PSVRs in quite a short timespan, so that’s ok for a start =)

Yeah, i totally agree.

One doesn’t need something with mass marketing or mass market appeal to buy it if one is into it.

I think there are some good ways to demo this stuff (for example dedicated vr arcades, vr rides/booths etc in amusement parks etc for example), but yeah, just putting it openly at best buy with no proper environment and guidance for first time users is not a good way.

Yes, i am =)

The consumer versions of these devices are available for less than 2 years now (for some not even 1 yet), so yeah, it’d doing quite all right so far with a few million sold.

Not sure what point that is =) I had many devices before any regular person gave a crap about them. Sure, for a few of them they didn’t become blockbusters, many others became huge.

Hm, the frame itself definitively doesn’t look too bulky, if anything they are maybe a bit wider than mine. In general i agree with you, it would be neat if they’d make them more adjustable so one can also adjust the sides and maybe even the lenses more, but yeah, until then in your case you maybe can only use them

Says person who hasn’t played any of the best apps and games on vive and rift.

I feel like with the price they already imply that the higher end vr devices are ready for enthusiasts and early adopters etc, but not mass market yet, since, well, not a mass market price.

I don’t understand your problem, i have glasses and i can use cardboard, gear vr, rift and vive headsets all fine with my glasses on.