
I have both the Vive and the Rift and there is some awesome stuff already available for those, and i heard for the psvr, too, though i don’t have that one yet. But yeah, it’s new tech so one has to pay more as early adopter right now for the higher end options.

No, then you should read up the definition of vaporware again, which is in a nut shell that it is not available.

No, both extreme views are not true.

They should not make this version run VR. They should instead make the next version a few years down the line with way higher resolution screen support VR.

Nah, one can already set it to output the audio to speakers.

Ok, i had only seen the hardware sales numbers comparison which showd that the 2DS sales percentage had gone up massively since they dropped the price so low for it.

yes, i turned the smart steering off, that’s what i wrote further down.

very nice origin story =) Please more of this type of stuff =)

Maybe this can help you, too:

Quite good and quite bad on this one in my eyes.

lame “silly gimmick” point repeating comment.

yes, totally, the article funnily mentions that it didn’t do well initially, but fails to mention that (despite the 3D the author didn’t like) it did excellent once the price was lowered to a more reasonable value for such a portable.

false corelations.

Sorry, but not a good article.

Hm, the first PSVR game really teasing me where i don’t wish it would come to the other vr devices.

Yeah, sure, the stick was far from perfect (though i did experience that type of shifting with many later controllers in between, too), and yes, playing those n64 classics with a later released more refined controller is way better of course.

Man, so much undeserved hatred.

I hope he enjoys his retirement. Thanks a lot for all the great memories =)

yeah, totally reasonable. Still a shame though, because rare games were some of the finest on the n64.

Yeah, well, parents (unless they are actually dicks) want the best for their kids, which in lot’s of people’s head means “make something out of your life” as in “don’t waste your life” as in “i hope my kid gets a proper education and a “good” job and doesn’t end up on the street/unemployed” etc.