
Only watched a few episodes so far but really liking it so far, very well done =)

Nice list, but blast corps and golden eye and/or perfect dark needs to be on there, too

really nice =)

Sweet, can’t wait =)

I think the push for focus on 4k is because it’s a number that is sorta easier to grasp and talk about but yeah, MS would do good in not putting too much emphasis on it and making it clear to themselves, devs and gamers that yes, this console is way more capable than the ps4 pro but they leave it up to the devs to

I think 500-600 as launch price is reasonable if they intend to keep on selling the xbox one s onwards as low price option until they can make the scorpio cost as low without being a big loss leader.

yeah, game pass should be interesting and yeah, in general download store front sales could become the dominant form on consoles finally over the next few years.

I feel like these types of rules enforcing games to run on the older hardware, too, which exist for PS4<->PS4 Pro are mainly there because this is basically the first time in a long while console makers are trying the model of doing mid gen “half step” upgrades, so they don’t want to enrage the existing user base. But

Well, the idea of loss leading is that they sell the console at a loss because they expect to make up way more than that in money spent on peripherals and games.

MS basically has to decide which of the two they want:

Exactly, there’s a huge (both in quality and game length/play time) game with Zelda and a bunch of smaller but still pretty cool games already, too.

I’ll get Mario Kart, it should be out end of this month, no? I guess if one already bought it on the WiiU one has to decide if the additions are worth it to one personally to buy it again on Switch, but i didn’t buy it on the WiiU so that’s a great new game to me personally =)

yeah, that one is really an all time classic =)

Oh, yes, you really convinced me by getting hang up on a typo...

I think Breath of the Wild could be regarded as huge milestone in what will be the new generation of awesome Zelda games.

Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion of course, and i respect yours, you don’t have to like a game just because most others do.

Totally agree, it looks quite nice but doesn’t feel like enough protection to me, too, bummer.

There were many voxel games over the years, and if we’d talk only about the look side instead of the technical implementation even way way more.

I find it weird to say something looks like Minecraft, because Minecraft doesn’t have a unique art style at all.

No, a false equavalence is what some people like you try to make out of it.