Regarding the putting on things the wrong way part: yeah, they’ll probably make it more difficult to put them on the wrong way round in the future, let’s see.
Regarding the putting on things the wrong way part: yeah, they’ll probably make it more difficult to put them on the wrong way round in the future, let’s see.
Yeah, seems plausible to me that it’s generally fine and some people got a faulty unit. Matches with my experience where mine works fine but then i see some people making videos of theirs not working fine. Good on them for making the statement and offering swift exchange for people with a faulty unit.
Regarding the joycons, yeah, sure it can happen that one misses the labelling and puts them on the wrong way round, could happen to anyone when not watching out in that moment. So yeah, sure Nintendo could in the next iteration make it completely impossible to put them on the wrong way round. Still, yeah, since the…
“The joycon button cover can slide on both ways. If you put it on the wrong way then there is a high chance it will stay that way forever.”
Btw, one addition, since you said the Switch would be thick: As i said, i don’t see 0.55 inch as that thick, but even if you do, you should consider that almost half of that space inside is filled by a battery, so that’s sorta important for playing on the go, and then unlike the iPhone and iPad for example it has a…
If there is a really good fan translation for something, maybe they could hook up with those fellas then, else, yeah, they’d at least have to pay for a localisation studio to do it.
Yeah, not what the most easy/seamless solution would be, maybe Nintendo could act as quasi publisher for other regions or maybe they could let one shop in the other region stores and then handle it like as if i bought it with an account for that other region store.
yeah, different app/game stores have some of this to different extend already, but none to the full extend i want it.
Also wanted to say:
Very cool =) I loved Secret of Mana. If they bring it out with 3 and at least in English internationally that’d be awesome =)
Maybe you got what i said wrong.
Sorry, but you are the one who is talking total nonsense.
It’s a handheld gaming device with an x1 chip which is more powerful than the Vita’s chip, and the Vita was previously the most advanced handheld gaming device.
Regarding the Switch dock being expensive, well, it comes in the box.
My point was just that it’s good to want to always improve things further, only way to make progress, but yeah, one should also be realistic about it to some degree =) I feel like with the Switch some people are moaning about things not being perfect where there is not even any single other device which comes anywhere…
yeah, it’s a fair point, it’s in high demand so it’s hard to predict when the stock will balance out.
Would it have been nice of them to cover it in cloth or something? Yes, sure. Is there any other device where they put such cloth on a stand to avoid scratches when people don’t handle it gently? Not that i remember.
Exactly. Thanks for pointing it out, i was starting to wonder what the heck is going on that one has to recite definitions of common terms because some people intentionally want to get one wrong.
I think months is a bit exaggerating it, usually with any device launch the first few weeks on launch are stretched thin of course but usually then by shipment 2-3 from the manufacturing country it gets into balance.
Regarding the left joy con loosing sync, looks like yes, that happens to some people, but since it didn’t happen to me, i’d recommend getting it replaced if you have issues with that.