
The plastic screen was a good decision. What would have been the alternative? A glass screen which scratches less easily but in return shatters and breaks more easily, obviously not something they’d want for a console used by all ages.

and i wasn’t even fully awake yet =)

Mine is perfectly fine regarding the controllers and my screen doesn’t get scratched despite i put it in and out of the dock many times a day.

Sorry, but by saying something like that you completely discredit yourself.

Oh yeah, one huge flaw!!!!

There’s always a revision /upgrade of hardware that’s popular a few years down the road. But the device is perfectly fine as it is so i would recommend get it once there are the games you want on it and unless you have a faulty unit (which can happen with any hardware) it is an awesome little device, if you get a

Then you should check your dock to see if it is bent or similar. Because that to me sounds like a unit with a production issue. I put the device in and out the doc many times a day and have zero scratches, so if you got any in such brief timespan in normal usage, there’s something off with yours.

I’ll probably rather get myself one of those stand setups where one doesn’t slide the Switch into, but that Link with sword cloth does look pretty cool =)

Not much, i just meant to say i don’t like extremists on either end and especially despise anyone doing such crazy things. But obviously that riles up people of both groups, which, yeah, is fine by me =)

no, what you did there was troll 101, thanks =)

That was actually halfway funny, i’ll give you that =)

read my other replies and google some on common terms. thank you.

And yet strangely now i see supporters of those same “feminist” groups speaking against Emma Watson for having a (semi) nude photo shot.

No, that’s what some people who share her view are trying to tell me.

Meanwhile i’m convinced you must be trolling me for the fun of it =)

thanks =)

No, you have prooven there that you don’t understand what those mean.

Forcing your views on how artists and creators can depict humans and ultimately among people with your views over time then implicitly enforcing forbidding actual humans looking, dressing, acting/behaving in ways you don’t appreciate is pretty extremist to me in it’s own way.

Read my other reply to you please.

In short: no =)