Don't forget: Gardasil is for boys too! There are currently no recommended tests for HPV in males; so please, PLEASE talk about vaccination with the boys and men in your life.
Don't forget: Gardasil is for boys too! There are currently no recommended tests for HPV in males; so please, PLEASE talk about vaccination with the boys and men in your life.
And this is why Katie Couric has no credibility as a journalist (and hasn't for a while). God forbid we actually reports FACTS anymore
Peeta is at least a 7, but Gale does blow him.
Could those involved be charged with rape? Forcing a penis and/or object into an anus without the anus's consent is technically rape, right?
You name and shame people for tasteless Halloween costumes. Now is the time to do some investigative reporting. Find out who is responsible and name them.
Compared to how she usually looks I'd say its quite an improvement.
He is not cute. Also, aren't hippos horrifying and dangerous? Or is that rhinos. Both?
I used to consider myself a "feminist." I don't anymore, mostly thanks to reading commentary on the web from people aligned with that movement. I still stand for the same basic values as before, it's just that there are entirely too many people within the "feminist" movement that I will simply never support because…
I think the point is that the label of feminism causes a visceral revulsion by many (most?) mainstream women - not just celebrities. It's not a new criticism.
what does modern feminism mean? I am in academia (a social science) and I don't even have a clue what this means. to be fair, i don't study anything related to gender. but is it possible that many women, especially those quoted above, are far removed from the rhetoric of "feminism" and their only contact with it is…
to be fair this has been true since the dawn of mankind.
I wish I could recommend this a dozen times (or more). Seriously, whatever I think of the guy, age 8 means it was rape, end of story. Ugh.
Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.
If only there were some sort of association - a "National Firearm Association," perhaps, or NFA - whose mission statement stressed the importance of gun safety courses and actively discouraged the sort of gun-crazed lunacy these people represent. They could offer gun safety courses, perhaps, and the reverence these…
Proof that [insert gender] does [insert stereotypical action]. Yay feminism.
As George Carlin once said, you don't need a formal conspiracy when like minds and like interests meet.
She's right about the historical part. First time I've ever seen a human being dance like an arthritic ape. First time—outside of a clinical setting—that I've seen a tongue so white, so heavily coated with septic crud.