Are they still riding on leaf springs?
Are they still riding on leaf springs?
The thing is though, after 10 years in a relationship men most of the time actually do know what our wives are feeling all the god-damned-time. We just don't give a shit any more precisely because we know what you are feeling all the god damned time- and that is what makes us go into problem solving mode. STOP OVER…
I don't know. It's going to take a lot more than a song and dance to make me forgive her pee book. That was pretty terrible.
I hate the word too. I wish people would just stop using it. It is so offensive. It really shows the low intelligence, poor up-ringing, crass behavior, and total disregard for common decency. How could anyone ever think that it's ever OK to say diva?
You're Cunt God Cunt Damned Cunt Right, Cunt It Cunt Almost Cunt Got Cunt!
He seems nice, genuine, kind, and loving. However, those things are not sufficient. Please let me explain. Humans often fall for the Token Exchange Fallacy.
Of course she died because she hit her head. Death is defined as the loss of electrical current in the brain stem. It is not defined by runner's fatigue. Most likely the fall resulted in brain swelling that constricted oxygen and nutrient supply to the brain stem for a period long enough for her brain stem to stop…
Forget the teeth, did you see those shoes? Holy hell! How? What? Why would anyone do that to herself? For the love of all that is holy girl, protect yourself! You're going to break an ankle in those!
Not to worry, it'll grow up to kill everyone. Seriously, those things are vicious when they grow up and kill more than most other mammals.
There are two types of people in the world. Those that get it and those that haven't figured it out yet. If you don't love running then you're not doing it right and need to unlearn what you've been taught. Running should leave a smile on your face and make you happy and a state of pure bliss. If you have not found…
Yet another glaring example of Jezebel's own smug lack of self-awareness. Like many feminists, the author cannot fathom a world that some people (women included) have been so alienated by feminists that the word itself has become a distraction from the goals of universal equality. It is very possible to be pro-woman…
Humans don't desire other humans. They desire idols and believe themselves gods.
Yes, because apparently abuse is worse than murder... and another woman gets the pussy pass get out jail free card, while 10,000's of men will suffer and\or die for non-violent drug offenses in prison this year. What a load of horseshit?
It always sucks to see a writer get most of the way and then lose it at the end. You are right in every respect, but wrong in your conclusions. Sorry- the solution isn't to fix feminism. It's to abandon it and create something better. Let's call it egalitarianism, but instead of being a women's movement (which is what…
Rape Culture, Rape Hysteria- potato, powtawtow, Whatevev. Peace out bitches!
Preach sister! Tell us how oppressed marriage makes women. You know or not. The more feminists talk the more you sound like fools.
Are you retarded or just obtuse?
I hate sexist assholes like you Katie!