I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.
I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.
That’s what I’d like to see.
She does look great, but I’m skeptical of that size 4 thing. She looks like I did at a size 8.
Is this somehow purposefully picking up on the thousands of weird “You won’t believe what Mama June looks like now!” ads that I get in Twitter and Facebook? Because that is WEIRD and I do not know why the internet thinks I need that marketing.
Would no posts at all be better? Asking seriously.
What Jane said hits so close to home for me. I am intelligent and as feminist as they come, and logically I know that rape is never the fault of anyone but the rapist. But knowing that logically doesn’t always translate into applying it to yourself, or at least it didn’t for me. I would NEVER blame anyone else for…
Well, since this is a hotly contested issue in many parts of the country, and she might be in a better position to sway people who on the fence about it, I’d imagine a lot of people who care about women having access to reproductive rights give a shit about this.
I am pretty sure in his heart W. was pro choice as well, and pretty liberal on pretty much every other issue outside of fiscal. That just wouldn’t work for him politically. I am not saying that makes him any better. I just don’t think he sat at the dinner table preaching against a woman’s right to choose.
I sort of see the Rashida and would like to throw Reba McEntire into the mix.
I’d pay good money for Gordon Ramsey to revived Kitchen Nightmares and feature 2Chains restaurant.
Also please don’t assume you are a sex god because you do oral. I know what will get me off and guys be like oh you just wait until I get there and I’m like hahaha stop you’ll probably do it wrong. And they do it all wrong and I don’t come and they just can’t accept that their technique needs adjustment.
Hopefully not - while Gaffigan traffics in some lazy-slob-husband stereotypes, his wife seems pretty boss and he sounds like he both respects her and is baffled by her boss-ness. I’m taking that as a good sign.
The joke George Lopez made referenced not liking black people. Fucking read.
If your skin is so thin that you verbally abuse someone until they leave the theater just because they flipped you off, maybe you shouldn’t be a comedian. :/
I don’t know, unless you’re a masochist or a decent person, I don’t see why someone would just watch themselves be abused for ‘jokes’. But yeah, after 400 years, I guess black people are still sensitive, according to people like you.
I think jail time would be much more likely to hurt than help. We should be focused on rehabilitation in our justice system, not retribution.
As someone who went through a Holocaust memoir phase in middle school, I have to say that this sentence is pretty cool. Those books had a really strong effect on me.
I’d really like if more of the juvenile justice system were things like this. Throwing kids into detention centers rarely makes them into better citizens (surprise surprise); I’d much rather see a focus on service and education that helps tie kids into the community.
“None of them knew that it was a historic property. They all thought it was just this abandoned shed.”