
I once worked with Katherine Ryan (I was a stand in but we had girl chat and it was cool), so I’m glad to see her name on Dirt Bag, even if it’s thanks to Hooters.

Yup. From the pic, it definitely looks like a VS bra.

I saw those months ago and didn’t click thinking it was bullshit.

Love y’all for this.

A childhood friend was an extra in a Disney Channel movie starring Selena Gomez and lied saying they were friends. She was also insufferable and made it out to seem like she got attention from casting agents and was going to be a star. A year or so later I met Selena and mentioned it and she said “I don’t know her.”

It is *kind of* Faye Dunaway’s fault, though. Warren Beatty clearly was trying to show her there was a mistake and instead of noticing and helping out in fixing it, she announced La La Land as the winner and looked at him like he was some sort of moron for not announcing it as the winner.

Mykki uses female pronouns for the most part btw...

An English Facebook friend shared the pics from the actual page and it looks like he deleted the post. Can any of you help me out and send the link? There were more hilarious ones but I didn’t get a chance to look through all.

Nah, from his interactions with his mom and cousins, he seems like a sweet kid. Sure, I could be wrong, but I think at least Melania’s doing most of the parenting while Trump’s too busy fucking everything up. She might not be the best person (read: terrible) but she seems like a doting mother who genuinely cares about

Nah, I trust Reality Steve after he got everything right during JoJo’s season. Final four are (spoiler alert):

Nah, that girl (Danielle) will be out soon. He doesn’t look that into her.

I didn’t. They clearly said they would pay me for the content as soon as they had the draft.

...Because they promised payment in exchange for my writing.

I was one of the people who never got paid. A few years ago when I was starting out as a writer, I pitched something to them based around coping with depression while studying abroad. Nothing as salacious or controversial as the articles they’re known for, but rather something I naively thought would help other women

According to Reality Steve, she makes it to the top 3 but doesn’t win. She’d still be the first black woman to make it to the top 3 and possibly be the next Bachelorette.