
He settled out of court. With two different victims. 🤔

actually the evidence based and accepted treatment for trans kids are GnRH blockers to delay puberty so that kids and their families have time to make a decision. outcomes (suicide, physical changes) are better for people who transition younger than those who transition older. puberty blockers allow people to make…

Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only time I do not insult Obamacare is when my insurance is cut. The only time I promote gay rights is when my child comes out to me.

This is the problem I see with the whole framework of science vs. faith over the last few years. When the conversation is framed such that the two are positioned as equally opposite and valid options, people convince themselves that their feelings, beliefs and faith are equal to the scientific method and there’s no…

I’ve always wondered: if I’m just too lazy to shave, is this a feminism victory? Or am I just a fucking lazy slob? I’m fine with either, really. I’ve just always wondered...

I have had more than one argument with women on Jezebel about shaving. Fine, you like to shave, but don’t deny what’s behind it. Most people disagreed with me, lol.

These arguments about sexual maturity vs 13 years old are weird. I was technically “sexually mature” around 13ish due to puberty but I was in no way mature enough to do anything about it. In fact I remember quite vividly the guy I was interested in (who was maybe 16) preying on me quite aggressively (which I was not…

If she doesn’t consider herself a victim, you probably shouldn’t, either. While thirteen is very young to become sexually active, and certainly far from ideal, some kids are gonna do it anyhow, because kids are horny and full of raging hormones, and it’s rare to find parents that don’t both work. Just because they had…

In the case of your (presumably now normal adult) friend having had consensual sex with another 13-year-old at 13, I wouldn’t call either of them ‘victims’, they’re just people who made a decision together as teenagers that isn’t a good idea or something that should be encouraged.

I wouldn’t argue necessarily that she’s a “victim,” except perhaps of the mentality that children and young teens are mature enough to handle sexual acts or that they can (or should) be sexual beings. Someone taught her that what she did was okay. Or, she has convinced herself of that because she doesn’t want to…

hit them where it hurts. and this is just the sort of guy who would be hurt by people laughing at his terrible fashion sense.

What a grubby attempt at wit.

won an argument

Fuck tolerance. Tolerance was never my watchword. The right-wing put that label on my beliefs. I never “tolerated” people of different sexualities or gender identities or heritages or religious stances than mine. To tolerate something is to endure something that is objectionable. Maybe a conservative tolerates those…

lol I love that you went after his coke hangover and tacky jewelry. I wish the gay media attacked him for his dweeby attempts to make pearls happen (so fetch) and his circa 2002 frosted tips, but I know there are more pressing issues to worry about right now. Still, I am waiting for the wittiest, bitchiest voice to…

I find that argument by the alt right to be weird that those who preach tolerance are required to tolerate the intolerant. It makes no sense. If you believe in tolerance than you should be intolerant to intolerance precisely because it’s intolerant.

So many times when Bill wants to insult Liberals he calls them pussies, bitches, schoolgirls. He has nothing but contempt for women (except Ann Coulter, who he fawns over), and that makes him unwatchable to me

It’s a real shame that we can’t deal people like Milo and Maher the only type of blow that will ever truly hurt them. That is, to ignore them so completely that they fade, kicking and impotently screaming into obscurity. Every time we protest his university “talks,” every time we tune into a program, and every time…

As someone who has accidentally - the work of russian hackers, one would assume - stumbled on pornographic websites which then auto-played video after video then suddenly stopped, it seems to me that porn offers a pretty wide variety of vaginal styles. How can one even pick the right style? What if the fashions…