
As if Jimmy actually continued on in those various competitions instead of actually withdrawing in a huff because he wasn’t about to play against a girl.

This is the writing of a guy who likely calls his wife ‘Mother’ and then gets off on being verbally humiliated by hookers.

If it’s Petreaus, he’ll have to notify his probation officer because he’s still on probation.

Won’t someone think of how to give the children access to it.

They’re using the most prominent woman in Donald Trump’s — you know, most prominent — she’s his daughter, and they’re using her, who has been a champion for women empowerment, women in the workplace, to get to him. I think people could see through that. Go buy Ivanka’s stuff is what I would tell you. I hate

um.....Lock Her Up?

Also: he is a racist. That isn’t an insult, it is a fact. It was true 30 years ago (by the senate’s own admission) and it is true now.

because it might give them pause for a second and make them consider who the fuck they have actually become.

Not necessarily. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a male or a female that plays Kelly Anne Conway, what matters is that it’s a goat.

Trump calls his own shots, largely based on an accumulation of brain plaques that block cell-to-cell signaling at synapses, and everyone knows it.

5. Dane Cook

Stay with it. The final episode is very much worth it and you’ll think back on the others in Season 3 as more interesting than they originally were.

Your point ignorant and useless. You can’t compare rudeness and genocide. Let’s take away your rights, your land, treat you like shit on a daily basis, and kill your people off and see how polite you feel like being. Get it now.

Is fucking hard to blame them when your entire people are treated like a stage show / novelty attraction?

Re: The Fall - if you can get through the first three-ish episodes it gets a lot less boring. I had the same experience.

Does Brie Larson really think anyone gives a moist fart about Kong: Skull Island? Really, anyone here excited to see this dreck?

So rudeness justifies bigotry?

Good people will be willing to put their lives on the line for this. Bad people will be willing to take it from them, with glee, under the color of law.

My wife calls it ‘the puppy dog look’; not two equals, rather a master and a pet.

I can’t stand that look of awe and childlike adoration on a grown woman’s face. It’s the look every woman with one marble rolling around in her head gives her husband when he’s got two marbles rolling around. Duggard shit