
My sympathy becomes a little stretched when you purposely elect a proud proto-fascist.

I’ve seen a lot of online posts saying that we need to work to understand the “Trump voter.” That liberal elitism prevented us from seeing/reaching the scared middle-American who saw their way of life slipping away. But, seriously, fuck that nonsense. I grew up in a small Alaskan town and I got out. I’ve gone back

As has been noted here, it’s very telling that they don’t require cremation/burial if you happen to abort, spontaneously or otherwise, at home. What exactly are they trying to accomplish here?

now imagine burring all of your tampons and pads.

If no birth or death certificates are required why should this sort of medical waste be treated any differently than an amputated limb or organ?

Medical facilities will be responsible for the costs of burial or cremation, which are often as costly as several thousand dollars.

Separation of church and state appears to be such a laissez faire constitutional clause siiiiiigh...

Health officials have clarified that miscarriages and abortions that occur at home will not be subject to these new disposal requirements. Moreover, birth and death certificates will not be required.”

Assuming the porn industry functions like pretty much any other industry in the world, working with a name brand like Deen will pay more than shooting a scene with some random dude in the producer’s bedroom. Not all women can afford to stand on principle when they need to pay bills.

Women can be both complicit in and victims of patriarchal abuse. Men in power don’t care about those women, either.

What “they”? You mean WE don’t care about us. Women continue to work with Deen, not just the new unknowns either. How serious does the industry have to be when female performers and fans refuse to shun him?

Fuck off, troll.

Anyone who thinks the porn industry cares about women has not watched porn. This doesn’t surprise me in the least.

They. Don’t. Care. About. Us.

he just wants a soapbox

The “fool for a client” thing only really applies when you assume the defendant’s goal is to be acquitted or to get an advantageous plea deal. Roof isn’t going to see the light of day ever again without handcuffs and he knows that; he just wants a soapbox before he gets warehoused in a concrete box for the rest of his

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Fuck that.

she was well known enough in the Netherlands at one point.

Her family, particularly her father, had pressured her to fabricate the story precisely because they were upset by Ramirez coming out as gay. Her father hoped these charges would enable him to win a custody battle.