
Perhaps the very rareness you point out is why we remember...

I lost my phone once and next thing I know it had denied an African American family housing and refused to sell a cake to a gay couple.

Ooooh do words mean things? You are a simpleton if you can’t understand the context.

Are you so dumb that you cannot understand the point here?

“I don’t know if it is true but I’ve seen an ad before some youtube videos claiming that Muslims were all terrorists.”

Signed up for Kinja specifically to tell you that this article and this exchange prompted me to donate $100 as well. Thank you for calling this simple action to my attention.

omfg he looks like a a Tim Burton creation come to life.

“At his home, police uncovered a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and material.”

That’s fine. All the destroying is being done in your name, citizen of the USA. You don’t have to be there to be partially responsible :)

this is a lot like the #notallmen argument. just because you personally consider yourself a good person, it’s necessary to acknowledge that the dinner you’re making for your family and the life you lead is in many ways built on the backs of these people.

the tone of the gif is an appropriate reaction to the realities the gif was posted in response to.

Dude is a troll that comments horrible things all the time. No idea how or why he got let out of the greys when so many productive comments are still stuck.

well said

Didn’t realize. Thanks

Let’s not chalk this up to mental illness. She is a terrible person, full stop. Being mentally ill doesn’t make you a neo-nazi. Being a neo-nazi makes you a neo-nazi.

What’s weird is that she’s a minority. Does she think these people won’t purge her too?

The alternative to “right” is Wrong. And doesn’t this dumb bitch realize she’d be on the trains?

I spent hours trolling twitter saying this exact same thing! It was a good day

If the fuckheads in the alt-right think that we hate them, then that’s literally the only thing they are correct in believing.