
Idk about you but nobody is eating anything off of my feet.

It’s honestly more comfortable to not wear underwear. The tights combined with the leotard you have to wear are very tight so wearing any type of underwear was always just more uncomfortable

I wear leggings as pants and my top almost never covers my butt. My leggings aren’t see through. Leggings ARE pants and anyone who says otherwise can fight me (jk don’t!) but seriously. Who cares if they don’t cover someone’s butt. Seeing the shape of someone’s butt in pants isn’t offensive or the end of the world.

I danced for about 16 years. Underwear makes really strange lines in a leotard and tights. It disrupts the lines of the body (or something)

Maybe I’m just really tired so my reading comp skills aren’t that great right now, but the “fully dressed up” thing confuses me. They were dressed up because they knew they would die?

I was premature and my family also called me toaster head! Mom is that you???

Mohammed is that you?

“If he cheats with you he’ll cheat on you” is the saying I immediately thought of

My apologies; I understand what you’re saying. I’m fairly positive that pedophilia is considered a paraphilia and not a sexual orientation. Whether or not that’s actually the true nature of pedophilia is hard to discern, since there is so much wrapped up in it. Many see defining it as an orientation as a “slippery

Oh fuck off. Being gay is not the same thing as being a pedophile.

Saying that I would never have a friend like her does not mean that I think it’s okay for Kanye to have done what he did. Are you being intentionally obtuse? Re read my initial comment. I literally said what Kanye did was wrong. Just because he did something deplorable that doesn’t mean that Taylor gets an automatic

What are even you talking about? I NEVER said that what Swift did was “worse” than what Kanye did. I also NEVER said that Kanye’s decision to portray Taylor’s naked body without her consent was okay. I explicitly said that what he did was abhorrent. I find it disgusting. I hate Kanye and his “art”. I am absolutely

I do not have and would never want a friend like Taylor Swift. She’s fake as fuck, pretends to be sweet and innocent, and always acts like the victim. kanye’s nude wax figures were deplorable for sure and he absolutely deserves critique for that. His gross behavior does not negate or cancel out Taylor’s though.

She isn’t even articulate though. She stumbles through so many of her words. She has very poor articulation for someone who literally speaks for a living. It’s quite surprising.

Are you being intentionally obtuse? That’s not what I meant by stating that her looks don’t matter. I meant that her looks do not make her death any more tragic. One common sentiment after an attractive young woman dies is “its so sad she was so beautiful” as though it is her physical appearance that makes the loss

I’m not saying that parading around in skimpy clothing makes one a slut. I’m saying that MANY, MANY people do. Lots of people think that wearing clothing that shows a lot of skin is dressing “slutty”. Despite the fact that one’s clothing choices do not correlate with their number of sexual partners, people continue to

I think the only thing a photo like this does is tell people that it’s a good thing to humiliate heroin users. I don’t think it changes anything. If anything, it shames the heroin users and makes them feel even more self hatred, which in turn could lead them to using more. Now I'm not saying we should treat heroin

One of my best friends from high school was this model-level beautiful (not that her looks matter), wealthy, smart as hell girl- not exactly the stereotype of the typical heroin junkie. She had suffered depression in the past, but one day in 11th grade she just stopped showing up to school. Prior to that, I had never

but she is a giant asshole who firmly believes that slut shaming is a good thing and that “super whores” don’t deserve to be defended, which is weird because she makes a large portion of her money off of her semi naked body being on magazine covers (not that there is anything wrong with that at all, it’s just a bit

try Almay long wear and waterproof eye makeup remover pads. I wear waterproof mascara almost everyday and these are the only things that remove EVERYTHING from my eyes

try Almay long wear and waterproof eye makeup remover pads. I wear waterproof mascara almost everyday and these are