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almay long wear and waterproof eye makeup remover pads are my holy grail eye make up remover.

It doesn’t matter if it’s more serious. It’s not your problem. If she gets elected and has some crazy horrible illness and dies in office, Kaine will become president. That is still a far better outcome than a Trump presidency. Trump is so fucking incompetent that it’s breathtaking. The man is so fucking weak that

all I can think about while looking at that bedroom is the mosquitos. How has she not been bitten to death?! I live in south florida and I stand outside for one minute and I get about 2940294 bug bites.

calling people out for being racist is not hate speech.

I think it's okay to deny Christ because I'm not Christian and I don't believe in God in a religious sense. Denying that Jesus existed or was the son of God or whatever doesn’t make one a Muslim apologist. I am not Christian therefore I don’t believe in the god that Christianity believes in. That just makes me an

Um what? I’m not sure why you find such insults necessary as I haven’t given you any “hate” and I’m absolutely not defending the hate that you have received. If people are making fun of you for your sexual choices that’s fucked up and the opposite of what feminism aims to promote. I’m in no way defending that and

Am I missing something? My comment wasn’t about you (unless you’re the woman who wrote the article). I was responding to the fact that you stated people were hating on the article’s author for being a virgin. The anonymous internet hate that you’ve faced has nothing to do with my comment, which stated that the general

Nobody is judging her choice to abstain from sex. She can and should be able to do (or not do) whatever she wants with her body. People are criticizing the tone of moral superiority she employs throughout her article and her apparent reliance on misinformation. She seems to think that a woman is either a virgin before

Ethical Slut is actually the title of a book that’s basically about being an ethical slut. It’s a really great book. I highly recommend it.

I’ve been negged before and it’s the weirdest thing. Back in college (I graduated a year ago), after a day party I went with this guy to get some quesadillas. We were in line to buy them and he kept making rude (but what he thought to be funny) comments about me and my school ID. He kept posting pictures making fun of

Nobody is rendering him in two dimensions!!!! Everybody here is aware that he is a human being—albeit a shitty one—and not a caricature. One can criticize a person and their abhorrent actions and lack of remorse without rendering that person two dimsenional. What do you even fucking mean “rendering him in two

Everybody is aware of what he meant, which is why people are making fun of his statements. He’s claiming that his son has fucking PTSD because he sexually assaulted someone and got caught for it. It’s fucking ridiculous, infuriating, and completely lacking in any self-awareness. His father’s gross statements deserve

I truly hope you don’t impart your “wisdom and knowledge” onto your kids because then they’ll be judgmental ass hats just like you. Get off your high horse.

I agree that if someone wants to have more than one partner and be in an open relationship, then that is completely fine and we as a public shouldn’t judge them. For me, the issue isn’t he had more than one partner. It’s that he did so without (we can assume) actually being in an open relationship. If you want to try

I fucking loved that book. I want it to be required reading for every human being on earth.

“That didn’t feel as tingly in his bathing suit era”. amazing.

This article isn’t the source of this information; it’s reporting on the sexual assault allegations coming out of Rikers. This isn’t an example of Internet warriors twisting reality. Should the author of this article give a disclaimer saying “these statistics might be false because we don’t *really* know what

How do you know the feelings of every single inmate involved in the reports? Are you directly involved? Did you speak to them? Why is your automatic default to assume that this article is twisting the reality of the situation?

Okay, we get it. You believe that those who get hacked and have their personal info distributed online are asking for it and are at fault. Why don’t you just come out and state that so we can all move on?