
I don't know if it's new Kinja's fault or if my wording was unclear, but just to defend myself I don't have anything against RC offroading. In fact, I encourage it. RC is awesome and fun.

Because its fun. Chill out.

Wow, who peed in your bowl of Cherrios this morning?

Who are you to judge anyone else's hobbies as childish? What you see as beneath you is someone else's pride and joy. There's lots of people out there who think actual offroading is childish, too.

The RC hobby has all of that. It takes skill to do what they do, dedication to build and maintain these models. The only real difference between this and actual off-roading is the size and cost.

RC cars has all of that. Skill in successfully operating the vehicle, dedication in building capable models...

I don't think it's childish. I fly model planes, it's fun.

Dude, I live in Saudi Arabia.. 80% of the country is OFF-ROAD ... Have you considered that some people might be taking an RC with them while taking a Jeep on an Adventure ?! Why do you assume that fun has to go one way ,, that's all I'm sayin :)

It's not childish.I know you might prefer real macho offroad but there's many people in the scale offroad. I am too and I hate to have to explain to other people the reasons.Because there's no logic. We simply gather some friends, take the scale crawlers and do a trail for a couple of hours. I tell everybody: "you'll

Actually, after watching this video I thought why bash my 100k $ SUV when I could do this. It depends on how you view "Childish" !

Because people like building cars but might not be able to afford +7K for a decent trail rig/ might not be old enough to own a car. That or may do it as a fun hobby to do with their kids. These are great for younger kids because theyre slow, tough, and control fairly easily

It's a hobby... why do people do anything at all?

It's a hobby. Why do people go drive real cars off road and post videos of it? Why do I have to, when I search for RC off-roading, have to sort through your childish 'actual offroading' BS?

Looks like someone didn't get enough toys when they were a kid. Its a way to experience your favorite cars and activities at a fraction of the cost. Why are you so angry? You need a hug.

Why are there hours and hours and hours and hours of cat videos on Youtube.. Oh, that's right, because Youtube wasn't made for just you.. No one cares about your complaint. It is illogical.

Unlike many of the Toyobaru's Internet critics, I have actually driven it, and I think it's more than adequate for what it's supposed to be and a hell of a lot of fun in general. I also have to wonder how much money people would really be willing to pay for a faster version of this car; I'm not sure I see them paying

BMW is just as guilty. 640i has the same motor as a 235, 335, 435, and 535.

So basically its that your too poor to even afford this tiny place and your super mad at all Americans. Got it

Yup. What a stupid headline. I guess they all wanted us to click on the story and see if we could spot the tailpipe, windshield and wheels. Gotta admit, I was kind of hoping I'd get to a picture of the thing motoring down the freeway with gramps at the wheel.

Jack. Ass. Either slow down, or sound a warning or something. That much snow is like wet concrete; super heavy and instantly congealing when it stops moving. Also, if it had set up at all on the road, then the blade is throwing ice chunks as well.