
This is petty much known to all car people. Not very unbelievable

Came here to say this aswell. I always think its weird when I travel and they don't have this system. Its so simple and been in use for at least 20+yrs all around Chicago

I had a great childhood so I understand how to have fun. Sounds like if your dad should've got the $100 hooker instead of the $1000 lady so he could've bought you some toys. And if you think they don't resemble the actual thing then your as blind as you are dumb.

Looks like someone didn't get enough toys when they were a kid. Its a way to experience your favorite cars and activities at a fraction of the cost. Why are you so angry? You need a hug.

As much as I think Nascar is a snooze fest not having them on this list is ridiculous

except he was driving a company truck

Hundred times this, unions are the devil. And only care about money

Clearly there are other drivers on the road that cant drive for shit. Just because you wife is a perfect driver and still was late doesn't mean its all on your topography. What happened to your rush hour/school getting out excuse? Drive thru northern California in a snow storm. You think its hilly by you? LOL

So your blaming it on rush hour and school letting out? LOL Traffic and general population is a hundred times worse in Chicago with our without snow. You want to see gridlock? Drive on I-90 in rush hour. Again it boils down to you not knowing how to drive in the conditions. Thanks for trying

yes, but it doesn't cause mass panic or shut the city down when we do get ice

The real problem is your driving experience. NOT tires, NOT conditions, or preparedness. Al of your problems could've been solved with learning how to properly drive. And just because you don't get to practice often doesn't excuse you from not knowing simple physics. TLDR, learn how to drive

a hundred time this! ive made it through plenty of winters with my Mustang and GTO with summer tires.

Holy shit, good thing your name is already ignorant. Such a dumbass

you may need to clean your ears

no one wants to mention Colbert Report Report itself is a ripoff? and clings onto daily show viewers for any relevancy?

and the fact that when you do hit peak power its still laughable

a million times this, vtec doesnt even come close to resembling any kind of power

Vtec does NOT make up for the lack of power. And smooth up and down redline? have you actually driven one? K20 is vastly overrated. This coming from a 09 civic si owner

+1, this sounds turrible compared to the V8s