This is petty much known to all car people. Not very unbelievable
This is petty much known to all car people. Not very unbelievable
That's probably the most well-known "unbelievable" fact in this thread. this forreal? Have not seen one like that!
....thank you for subscribing to Cat Facts!
Cars in the NASCAR Nationwide Series still use carburetors...20 years after they were last used in production cars in the U.S.
From what I remember he leased the cars, and then when it was time for permanent plates, he'd trade it in for another.
AFAIK - He was leasing them every 6 months so he never had to put a plate on...That man made MB USA very happy...
Did you know that cat's use their tails to balance while walking as well as when in the air?
Indeed. It should be centiseconds.
So, what's the deal here? Is this a novelty item or something a group would buy or do Japanese people eat huge amounts of things and skip meals or what?
Is my vocab off? Slush box is an automatic?
Slushbox ST?
6 speed only on the ST
The Fiesta ST only comes with a 6 speed manual.
You are correct. Almost all Chicago suburbs have a similar technology and have for many years (at least the 15 years I've been driving). I don't know how the system operates, but a signal from a police car, fire truck or ambulance will activate a small light on the stop light arm. The system makes the left turn…
I swear I've seen this already in Chicago suburbs. There's a blue light above the signal pole that starts flashing when an emergency vehicle with l/s on approaches. Then the signal changes in their favor. I've seen it at least half a dozen times which is why I say this.
It would be easy to break traction on that because the car is literally riding on the edge of the sidewall. However it also looks like its a major pain in the ass to control, I mean his steering inputs look really twitchy.
Anything with RWD and a tiny contact patch can drift.
I can't be the only one here who wants to slap the shit out of that fool.