
Honestly, I think a better solution would be a demotion and forced volunteer hours at an LGBTQ organization. Kicking him out will only make him more like to lash back at the community. Exposing him to individuals different than himself might teach him some empathy.

See my above comment. The wings can bend quite far without ripping off. :)

My first job out of college was working at an institute that did those sort of tests for huge aircraft manufactures. The wings can be bent to an almost 90 degree angle in either direction before snapping off. Flight life for each wing is tested in a similar manner, bending it almost all the way up then down, then

THIS. After their anti-gay marriage law fiasco that entire state can go fuck itself.

Signed, a DC resident.

I'm gonna guess that those sorts of documents are probably long gone just due to the nature of closing down a business. Things get tossed within a couple of years save the random document here and there.

Here's a thought, instead of lying to him that her phone died she could have simply said, "Sorry dude, but I'm not interested."

The radio silence thing is immature bullshit. It also happens on both sides of the isle (gay dude here). Man up (or woman up) and just tell someone the truth.

That said, his freak out is

We have this. Haven't even tried the "HBO GO" portion of our subscription yet, but the set top box is great for accessing HBO's extensive made-for-tv film library (and 1st run titles).

Come on Wichita, Kansas! Now's your chance!

Announcer: "The tiny ring represents Russia and its fear of connecting its standards, morals, and practices to the 21st Century."

I've got to say, the touch-up seems minor at best. It's not nearly as egregious as I thought it would be.

Damnit. Stole my joke.

Wanted for questioning:

Brilliant! :)