
haven't watch DD (couldn't pass the first episode and how much everyscene was dark)
my rank:
Jessica Jones
1st Half of Luke Cage
2nd Half of Iron Fist
1st Half of Iron Fist
2nd Half of Luke Cage(that was sooooo fucking bad and such a disappointment)

I also think that both JJ and LC will have a lot a trouble keeping with the hype in their second season.
LC, we've seen already struggle with the "superhero" part of the show, Jessica, without the rape/abuse survivor as main theme… IDK.

can't wait to see more Carrie Ann Moss as J-Money.
not the best episode but it left me eager to see what will happen in the Defenders, so it does its work, I guess?

it depends what you're looking for. if you want fight scenes, this is not the show for you. but as other have been saying, the first couple of episodes are slow, maybe boring. it picks up from 4, the last 4/5 episodes are the best, and IMHO has a better pace than other Marvel shows, in the end. is watchable, easily

thank you.

oh. this is interesting. we knew it was rushed… but not this mess

with Davos being the arch-enemy, they *need* flashbacks.

which is the best place in the internet to find news on the defenders?

they should have used that episode with kunlun flashback, imho.

in a potential s2, that's one relationship I hope they keep exploring

Gao is just an immortal, bored that nobody is a worthy opponent these days…

oh, damn… :/

not really,
I don't care for fighting scenes, not action scenes.

yap,it in JW 2!

I was sold at "is this a date?" "no of course not, unless you want it to be"…

I'm sure I've seen a Claire-kissing-Luke scene in filming pics

I want this!


after all she is the Culson of this universe…