
you haven't look hard enough. just go in the iron fist episodes reviews on this site and you'll find those complains…


it was only to point out that - since consensus is that IF fight scenes are good in this - that maybe Finn Jones had the skills / trained enough and the problem was the coreography/direction.

just read his twitter feed. 1 year later he is still subtwitting about how a great stunt he is and how marvel racist casting people did him wrong.

oh, that may be

Yes I've read it, but considering they wrapped filming the defenders the week ironfist was dropped, I highly HIGHLY doubt it.
the whole point of Danny characterization and why he has to be a white billionaire is for him being called out by both Luke and Misty (at least in the comic). that's why the luke danny

the trope is as ancient as any fairy tale….

it's the second most binged marvel series on netflix after luke cage.

you're not the only one who liked Iron Fist

Finn Jones had 5 days break between the end of filming Iron Fist and the beginning of filming Defenders.

Bruce wayne wasn't in the himalayan right after the death of his parents….

it's kinda the point of his character.

i really doubt the showrunners listened to critcs (at least about iron fist) since the the script were all done when they started filiming this show, i.e. 6 months before the critics had time to write their scathing reviews.

have you seen him act? check his own vimeo channel for all the auditions he botched because HE can't act AT ALL.

considering how unprofessional he has been since the show aired, don't hold up your breath waiting.

see above.
fight scenes =/ action scenes

projecting much?
The only "annoyed" is Jessica, but she is annoyed about the Team thing, not Danny, and is in character.

I'm curious as to whether the first half of the season is less-terrible on a rewatch

if you're watching comic hero shows for their political statement, you're doing it wrong, imho.

still very upset about how Jessica character was treated in Luke Cage.