
I hope Matt, Jess and Luke just spend all of the series treating Danny like their little brother and constantly make fun of him any chance they get.

I guess the Hand fractions, and how coming back from death affects the personality of the person being resurrected, and that at least one of the fractions of the Hand probably the one Alexandra is in charge of wants to recruit the Iron Fist for whatever reason.
and Danny and Colleen are a couple, so Misty/Danny is

got it!

considering my icon, so ok with this.

there's a famous quote by Sergio Leone (which I know, of course, is way above anyone involved in this): he wanted to the first scene of a movie be a spectacular carriage wreck. studio didn't have the budget to film that. then he asked at least a destroyed carriage, again the answer was no. in the end he had the

this is my twitter, tumblr name in bio contact me either places ;)

uhm… as someone who used to be an Heroes fan, I disagree.

ps: do you hang out on twitter or tumblr? I'd love to see if we have something else in common!

yeah they tried to show his motivations for getting the fist etc etc but they really failed with characterization here.

properly done, the dynamic can be interesting. wasn't that the point of the LC/DR dynamics in the comics? Danny being unaware of various issues and Luke (et al) schooling him about it?

as I said, I'm italian, I wouldn't know.

I wouldn't know, I'm italian. It does at least 200 years history of treating not WASP immigrant as dangerous, tho.

but also can easily show that you can be better than everyone else by sacrifice, dedication etc etc?
if only they showed us kun lun…. or maybe not, they would have probably made it worse?

reading Danny actions as something like the 50Shade of Grey guy does, says more about your friend cynicism than else. I read (and many here) those actions more like the solution of a very rich kid (and I mean child) to an obstacle, rather than manipulative. If this Danny really wouldn't consider the women of the show

how can someone who lived in a different dimension in his formative years, and just come back, be "woke"?

I have no problem with FJ acting skill, so for me they kinda did?

because the very first scene of the show you would have probably the asian guy arriving at the big corporation office, asking to see the president, arrested, and if he'd show the same aggressivity, even shot?

yes, but I've always considered the Mighty Whitey trope not applicable to characters raised in the society, like Danny is. I'm a big fan of Nurture vs Nature trope.

I'd say this version of Danny Rand fits more with the Chosen One trope, expecially a mix of The Chosen One by Trial, It Sucks to Be the Chosen One and The Poorly Chosen One…