
That’s...a not-invalid way to end the thought, I’ll give you that. (I’m not a molester, though, and by this point, I’m mostly sorry for the es.Gizmodo readers who have to wade through this bollocks to get to actual comments.)

Oh, sorry, I’ll sort that out: “penitent” isn’t related to “penis”; the adjectival form of “penis” is “penile”, while “penitent” is the adjectival form of “penance”, which is a pretentious way of saying “I’m sorry I done fucked up, God.”

No, no, being a pedant is entirely different from being a pederast. See, that’s me being pedantic, acting like a pedant. No moose stuff here.

Have you seen my username? What would you expect from someone with the word “penitent” in their username?

My comment was also a joke. One that failed to connect, unfortunately (was I being too ambitious in attempting to twist a schoolyard diss into a factual observation?). Oh well.

Naw mang, yo momma is English. Speaking. Therefore it’s your mother tongue. So you assume that the Internet is in English, is my point.

Gizmodo en Español. It exists, and has existed for many, many years now. I assume that this was a crosspost (like when we used to get crossposts from cink.hu, Gawker’s Hungrarian half-sibling under the Kinja umbrella).

Small corrections: Not ‘a’ Singapore airport, the Singapore Airport (the other one, Seletar Airport, barely counts). Also, “The Straits Times”.

Yes. Last move, starts at 1:17.


Thank you.

I honestly have no idea. The press photos page URL contains the string download_Sigmatos_38.html, which seems to imply that it’s pronounced “Sigmatos”, but the PDF filename of the press release is spelled rinspeed_etos_vor-pi_english(1).pdf, which implies that it’s pronounced “Etos”.

You know, there actually are high-resolution images available for press purposes on the Rinspeed website. The ones you’ve put up are just potato-quality:

Say whaaa? The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was exactly as it sounded like: A revolution, meant to usher in “proletarian culture”, i.e. one based on non-bourgeois, ideologically pure Communism. (Of course, it was also a cynical attempt by Mao to tap into the Chinese youth’s revolutionary fervour, and to

They’d definitely understand the importance of peckerwood inside guys, ba dumm tish.

Uh-huh, “tend to”. Sure, let’s go with that, as opposed to “due to self-inflicted frontal lobe damage from repeatedly banging one’s head against a wall at Miller’s bastardization”.

he oversaw the withdrawal from Vietnam

To be fair, her original quote of "75% of the notes" refers to her singing the lead role in a two-and-a-half-hour long musical that runs eight times a week for months on end in front of a packed house. If you manage to achieve and maintain a 100% track record throughout that grueling schedule, congratulations, you

Nigel Thornberry. Sir Nigel Archibald Thornberry, to be exact. No idea where 'Reginald' comes from (unless you're conflating it with the "Oh, Reginald? I disagree!" drive-by joke from the first episode of Family Guy).