
In all subsequent spin-offs of FFVII, it is spelled 'Aerith'.

Shovel Knight isn't an NES game, by your own logic, because the developer explicitly said that he wasn't going for a 100% NES look.

Our only dig on Helium is that for backup-to-cloud or device-to-device syncs, it doesn't make total sense to have the computer "activate" Helium on each phone before performing a backup or restore, but it's not a huge deal. The price is nice, and Helium also supports scheduled backups, automated backups, and more.

Who gives a fuck what the US says or doesn't say? The Malaysian government hasn't shut up about it (since, after all, it's their plane and their dead countrymen), and they clearly think that it was the rebels that did it, given that they make statements like this:

Could they have picked a worse shot for this character? I doubt it.

If the term 'emulator' is defined in such a restrictive manner, then there will be precious few of those left around eventually, as the hardware becomes too complex to fully emulate.

I think that your definition of "emulator" is a little restrictive, given that ever since UltraHLE for the N64, there have been emulators that don't actually fully emulate the workings of the actual hardware, and instead also in part translate higher-level system calls into their host hardware equivalents. Not to

Happily, that best-case scenario has come to pass: The game is currently being remastered for PS4, Vita, and modern PCs. However, remastering a game isn't as simple as whipping out a computer, tightening up the graphics on level three, and calling it a day. To really get it right—to make sure the original game is

The second article was written by a different writer than the author of the first, so it just goes to show you that sometimes, not everyone writing for a site necessarily agrees 100% with everyone else. I believe that the author of the second article is truly sincere about their opinions, and that the first article's

When you call a video that starkly brings the emotional consequences of female-on-male underage sexual assault to light "a load of tripe", then proceed to make the argument that "statutory rape is always a crime, but the victims are not always harmed by it", I think anyone can be forgiven for thinking that you believe

You know, they did apologize about being horrible, horrible people in that particular instance in another article. This one, to be precise.

Yep; it's actually so common that there's a page on TV Tropes (warning: possibility of interminable timesinkage) for it: Holler Button

It's from Heavy Rain. Your player character's son has wandered off in a crowded shopping mall. Pressing "X" makes your player character shout his son's name (which I cannot for the life of me remember. Fred, maybe?) This action does absolutely nothing to advance the game's story (unlike Pressing "X" to Pay Respects),

Juice Defender is easily one of the most popular battery-saving apps and we've recommended it for a while. It's not always the easiest to understand. You can choose between different profiles with vague names like "aggressive" or "extreme", but it's a little unclear what these options do if you're a typical user.

Instant comedy gold.

It's not actually "the real pie"; that's only found in Paranoid Android. What we have here is a developer who implemented the same idea in a separate app, gave it the same name (or, if you want to be cynical, a misleadingly similar name), and uploaded it to the Play Store. I've tried both on my unrooted phone, and LMT

Yeah, but not in The USA! USA!, which — as everyone knows — is the only cultural reference point for the whole Internet. No exceptions. (Except sometimes Japan)

So as long as they're not testing to be abnormally radioactive, and they taste good, they're perfectly fine.

If you mean "hydrogenating", I was under the impression that shortening was actually mostly hydrogenated vegetable oil. Well, either that or some plant-derived oil rich in saturated fats, like palm/palm kernel oil. I don't dabble in low-fat alternatives, though, and it is conceivable that some company has managed to

The "optional caseinates" clause regulates the presence of milk casein derivatives (hence the name). Though "casein prepared by precipitation with gums" is permitted in "ice cream", the key ingredient is still casein, not the gum. Furthermore, I'm not certain (though I haven't checked) that these "ice-cream