
Gonna have to correct you there. Since the ingredients list of the ice-cream sandwiches contains gelling agents such as guar gum, it's not the vegetable-shortening kind of "ice-cream" (though those undoubtedly also fill Wall-Mart's aisles). It's more like a dairy-flavored quiescently-frozen gelled dessert (which is

For a moment I thought, "Huh, Bermuda was part of NATO?" before I realized that this was Canada's flag, before it switched to the Maple Leaf.

That method is now discouraged, as the act of setting the shoe polish on fire burns off the solvent and oils that help keep the leather hydrated. As a result, your boots will be shiny, but they'll also dry out and crack faster.

Clenchmask meant "chrysalis", the thing that caterpillars spin around themselves before metamorphosing into butterflies/moths. It's used here figuratively, to describe a place where things grow, develop and transform.

+1, and it even has a portable version.

That was horrifying to read even second-hand; I can't imagine what it was like to have seen it first-hand.

Wow. The sketch in the book only looks vaguely like this photo. At least the Edward Snowden one was recognizable.

It says "Justin Timberlake" to the side, but they're clearly just bullshitting us.

It's Davoin Shower-Handel

She's giving me more "Vanellope von Schweets" vibes, really.


On 2ch, one net user pointed out that Disney has allegedly copied other anime in the past: The Great Mouse Detective seems to copy Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro, Atlantis: The Lost Kingdom apparently rips off Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, and Treasure Planet supposedly copies 21 Emon.

An Austrian, perhaps?

Not in this case; I was only discussing people speaking the Standard Mandarin dialect of Chinese, only with different accents that are informed by the speakers' local dialects. (The rest of the comment is a discussion on the concept of what a 'dialect' of Chinese is, and what Standard Mandarin is; I must warn you,

True, true. Again, no offense to any Mandarin-speakers of any stripe is meant; really, I'm just more amused that the Ahnuld accent translates pretty well to Mandarin.

I hear you, and I didn't mean any offense. Totally agree that there's a whole world of Mandarin accents out there, of varying levels of cross-intelligibility, with the widest diversity probably found in China itself. My experience is mostly with big cities (Beijing, Shanghai) and the Greater Sinosphere (Taiwan, Hong

He sounds like Ahnuld! He sounds exactly like Arnold Schwarzenegger, if Arnold spoke Mandarin. It's 'fluent' in the sense that it's grammatical, but he still has trouble with the tones. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good effort, but still somewhat in the uncanny valley to my ears.