Here's what I understood by the statement: Mazda is down-converting the voltage from the 25V stored in the capacitor system down to 12V so that it can power the electrics in the car.
Here's what I understood by the statement: Mazda is down-converting the voltage from the 25V stored in the capacitor system down to 12V so that it can power the electrics in the car.
MSG is commonly demonized as giving people headaches, and it's possible that some people are more sensitive to MSG or currently unknown reasons; these people can avoid MSG and treat it like some manner of allergen, but this doesn't mean that it is inherently bad (we don't know). MSG is often cited as causing obesity,…
I was scratching my head for a bit until I realized that the INS was reorganized and renamed in 2003.
Eesh. Is that a pump dispenser in the picture; or a used crack pipe?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this similar to iOS' AssistiveTouch feature, except of course that it's A) customizable and B) not originally designed as an accessibility feature?
Oh wow, how did this August 2012 post get here, of all places? Kinja has gone senile already?
That sounds just like something that NwAvGuy, Official Enemy of the State™, would say. Heresy! Why are you undermining the dynamics of our community?
Um, not quite.
The Audioquest Dragonfly and the ODAC also use the ESS Sabre, just saying, though the Yulong is obviously in a different market segment from either of the above.
The Chinese save their racism for the Japanese (who raped and pillaged their way across China in the 1930s-40s and never said sorry) and the Westerners (who are arrogant, amoral thugs who are constantly blocking China's attempts at achieving global recognition on a scale commensurate with their 5000 years of cultural…
Dude, he was on Kotaku, like, this week. Didn't you see the article?
Yu-gi-oh, but the line is actually, "Don't move, or we'll shoot you with our invisible guns!"
I once remember reading an old Golden Books electronics guide (circa 1970s, probably; they recommended breadboarding circuits on an actual 'bread board' using nails as terminal posts!) that used this method to tune an electronic organ's notes. In that case, the 'ohmmeter' was your ears, as you listened to the note…
Only one way out; go back, and smother it in the crib. Godspeed!
If the baptism scene at the start of the game rubbed him the wrong way, I can be sure that he would be absolutely pee-ISSED at the non-consensual (semi-consensual?) one (ones?) at the end of the game, if you know what I mean.
Nooooo! By giving a negative amount fucks, you have actually forced some random previously-uninterested people into actually giving a fuck!
Booker DeWitt's wife. She is mentioned in in-game dialogue as having died while giving birth to Anna DeWitt (i.e. Elizabeth):
Actually, what she says is "No one's ever seen a wormhole", which is true; they have never been observed. And all the theory in the world cannot make up for the lack of evidence for them.