
Hi welcome to Deadspin Bob, I’ve been reading this site since 2007 every day and this is the way it’s always been here. It’s a great site because it’s not purely about sports. If you want a sports site, there are literally tens of thousands of them that will give you the fucking box score and some pithy postgame

Sure, still, fuck the Yankees though.

Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees. 

Wheatley from Portal.

How much of “this film” is there if it mostly retreads another director’s work?

Family Guy has to be one of the most overrated shows of all time

Now playing

The greatest gag from It’s Always Sunny is by far the Man in the Couch scene.

The season finale last year made me cry. It was amazingly beautful. The should never stop. Some needs to fight the nightman for all of us.

Enjoy hell.

Turning into salt? That’s asking a Lot.

From 2002 people, 2002.

Sign for a kid, he sells it on ebay once.  Dunk on a kid, he has a bar story for life.

It’s like there’s a party in his mouth, and everybody’s invited!

The premise of anything to do with IASIP

I cannot wait for this weird fucking movie.

The Asian

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck