Is the Bills stadium parking lot dirt?
Is the Bills stadium parking lot dirt?
I wonder if gawker will breathlessly report on every shooting In Chicago.
It’s been a few years. I sounded it out the best my 3 rd grade teacher taught me.
I’ve had a question for some time maybe a few here can answer. Why do allow the handicapped, elderly and children to board first on embarkation?
That would be perfect for a trip to Flostam Paradise.
Hmmm, no. The title of the article specifically refers to the reason he was fined and suspended. The only place to get that information from is the team owner who levied the punishment. The team owner is quoted in several publications stating the player breeched a rule regarding wearing clothing that deviates from…
The subject of the article “apparently” had this to say
How can you write this article then attach that title which seems to be 180 degrees in conflict with what you wrote?
Well, I'd have to go to another website.
I didn't mention the race of any specific individual.
Yes, let's leave race out of it when it's black in white violence.
Let the Russians spend a couple trillion on what is basically a flag waving venture.