
What's the rule on bringing one on a plane? If it's in your toiletries bag inside your carry on is that kosher?

Oh only on the weak minded?? I’m pretty sure that’s not how addiction works. Some of the greatest humans have or have had addiction issues.

God damn. That sounds like the darkest fuckin movie ever. That is way worse than saw. Saw is personal but saying by by to an American city... Gezz

Have made anything that 50,000 people were willing to pay 20 of their hard earned dollars on?

I don't know if anyone who starred this got the real reference. Dr. Steve Brule.... go look it up

Some people are making it more complex than it needs to be... MrMcQueen’s tidbit is interesting but I bet its simply because they don't need it. They don't ever go high enough to need it.

The article I linked shows projected shipping routes during different parts of the year. Im pretty sure we’re all on about the same thing here. Definitely going to make an impact on a global scale!

We had guest speaker in one of my classes, the author of the paper to the attached link. The science behind what you are describing, I thought you might like the read, very few even know about this situation. The Russians are making a big move by being ready to exploit that opportunity. They are so much more prepared

Is that naval camoflauge? Surely can’t be effective for over land operations. Thats got to stick out like a sore thumb from the top — which is where an attacking aircraft is going to attempt to engage from right?

Press shots are definitely planned. To think we are showing all our cards on the Navy instagram feed is insane. I’m sure some weapons, aircraft, UAVs are put far out of sight when those photographers show up.

Its straight bullshit. If you’re protecting me why do you have to hide from me? It feels so wrong — like they’re trying to catch people doing the tiniest little things when they aren't expecting it. How about you just be visually present and then people won't do it in the first place. But wait. then they don't get the

The worst part is that police departments still protect officers who act like this. Its unacceptable and you can do better. What a cop (pun intended) out to blame it on the officer’s safety. I would think that a traffic stop would be fairly routine and an experienced cop would be able to control the situation without

I get what you're saying but we are never going back there. It's a fact that cars today are safer than they ever have. You can't argue that an 80s sedan could protect its passengers better than an a modern car. That is just complete nonsense. How about we just require more driver training and have technology on our

Isn’t it Johnny Eightball?

It hilarious how people lose their shit as soon as someone does something outside the box and get all judgmental. “Oh that’s what trailer trash does. I like being In debt and polluting the earth and being a wasteful human who doesn’t give a shit about how my actions affect the rest of the planet.” Come on humans open

Seriously. No hate. Please just dont do that. Sure, medicine these days is amazing and will be able to fix your finger should it get degloved, but not an experience anyone wants to go through. It sounds terrible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degloving

Correct braking before the corner :) Im betting those idiots blasting through canyons/twistys they’ve only seen a couple times and forgetting what comes next is where a lot of these snap oversteer events happen.

Oh come on. You can’t just say that... they’re called widow makers for a reason. Just cause you know the saying does not mean that habit is forced into your reactions. Weak man. Very Weak.

Did you ignore the responses? He wouldn’t have been able to insure it without the alarm. He couldn’t just remove it because his car would be illegal to drive sans insurance.

Nuclear assured destruction? Do you per chance mean mutually assured destruction?