
You need more stars. This can't be a lost suggestion like half of the good suggestions for QOTD

Alanis King must be new. The next reject jalopnik writer that just wants to be a blogger and has no interest in the automotive world. Go write for Jezebel.

That's the only part of pch worth driving. South of Santa Monica PCH isn't beautiful or that amazing.

The basic g-wagon should make a come back! With the defender gone and so risky to acquire in the States, there is a need for it.

Seriously! I always am amazed by their endurance too — in terrible weather a lot of the time too!

I’m with other responses — they weren’t qualified to do so or it wasn’t safer. Look up on YouTube helicopter landing on ship. Things get hairy very fast. a helicopter and a landing pad that are both moving in 3 dimensions at different times with things like wind, waves, spray, and human error all complicating things

That seems legit.... I would imagine that to be an overwhelmingly difficult task, that if done without practice could turn terrible very quick. I just imagine how easy it would be for the defenders with all the open and elevated sight lines.

Thanks for the input!

You can always request a supervisor to the scene and the cops badge number. Supposedly they have to give that information and follow that request. This is what my dad — a career firefighter — has always told me to if i feel I’m being treated unfairly. He said thats what the cops he has worked with have suggested. But,

I feel this would be even better without the reverse smack. Just stop in the middle of the road blocking said old person. Walk to window looking like you just want to talk then proceed with your plan. Then drive away like nothing happened.

seriously. Its not gonna be an easy task

Ya and college campuses main role isnt transporting a global leader around the globe in a safe and efficient manner either. What a fallacy that comparison is....

seriously though, those glasses come straight from the douche king himself.

You need way more stars for this

No its definitely a Lamborghini. Im a doctor. I would know.

I agree with everything you said except that the a10 isn’t a superior CAS aircraft in any capacity. Your own point is that bombers handle CAS these days... Then why do we have the f35 designed for this extinct role? Just some backwards logic...the a10 is inexpensive, tough, and carries a hell of a lot more firepower

“Yup, just like your crazy uncle who bought a ratty old El Camino that’s still sitting in his front yard to strip parts off of to fix up his sweet drag Chevelle”

because there is a real possibility if you do that, nuclear weapons are used. its pretty simple.

Cause the russians arent the FAA....

Planes are really fragile. You dont need to hit it directly, only have a specifically designed warhead explode nearby to cripple it. Ive seen it explained similar to a flying claymore mine as well. Missile gets close and sprays plastic plane with metal shards. Plane is destroyed.