
Uh pretty much every new f150 has a v6...

That isn't a Marcbot on Craigslist... That's someone looking for help fixing a Marcbot.

Such knowledgable tone with such little knowledge

People are acting like this is coming from left field... But in reality this is how most of our goods are obtained. Short term profit maximization is the name of the game.

Uhh you could buy coffee from places where the workers and land aren't exploited... Instead of the most convenient option that's put right in front of your face.

Tailgaters are the ones constantly tapping their brakes too — pretty clearly described as a main cause of traffic jams when the road is packed

lengthening the stoke will increase compression and shortening stroke will decrease compressions. A longer stroke decreases the amount of volume avalible and increases the ration of compression

It's for marathon and half marathon....

This. I've heard from several sources they sucked. And they only hold 3 people

Everyone in California refers to them as ‘the sierras’. You might be right that it’s technically incorrect but anyone I know would look at you very confused if you said “I’m going to the Sierra”. Kinda like Californians saying ‘the five’ or ‘the 405' instead of interstate 405 or 5 freeway. It’s the de facto colloquial

Uhh I think many Asians would disagree with you. From Bangkok to Bangladesh families do what you say is impossible — and is their main method of transportation

That discovery channel is dead. I miss it.

Wow... I don't even know where to begin to tell you how wrong you are...

its funny bceause this will most definitely be a thing. Right after they put an escalade front clip on it...

Just stand on the tire?

came here to make a similar joke. Star for beating me to it

Im so glad the stars between these two comments are distributed the way they are

From my friends experience drug tests are expensive now— at least the good ones and they often only test for specific drugs. In a corporate environment, id imagine this would work in the drug users favor. But, for example, where my friend was tested, they had to buy separate kits to test for methamphetamines (sp?) vs

Not you. Gawker sux and doesnt think before acting. And come on Justin Westbrook. Just admit the mistake and move on. Excuses like ‘this isn’t my responsibility’ are weak. It seems like his responsibilities should be whatever it takes to write a good blog post.

Im spending way less time on Gawker now honestly. I spent alot of time at Foxtrot Alpha and lane splitter. No more.