The iZombie scenes just turn my stomach.
The iZombie scenes just turn my stomach.
Yanno, Rule 34 and all.
Some people enjoy being kicked in the nuts, you know.
I feel that I'm more pleased that Pacific Rim exists at all than I was with the actual movie. It was fine, and I'm glad someone made a Giant Monsters vs Giant Robots movie with both a real budget & a love for the material, but it just didn't quite pull it together.
No. No no no no no no no no no! No! No no no no no no no no no no no no no! No!
The scene where they screw up their drop from the ceiling & manage to still accidentally kill all the bad guys just screams "I'm just messing around here. This is all a silly lark." It is kind of amazing to me that Duffy was sincere. If it weren't for the sequel & his general trainwreck of a career, I wouldn't believe…
Jobe manages the rare combination (in Hollywood) of being a badass gay man without needing to be "butch" or "straight acting", which really sets him apart from most of this list. He doesn't fit the "hyper-masculine" tag if you define "masculine" in terms of physical appearance, clothing, etc.
Now c'mon, Eddie. Mental State.
This seems like a pretty obvious one to miss.
Kind of makes me want to see it. Really creates some high expectations for the performance.
Oh my. I hadn't even thought of it that way. They really need some new prison architects.
But they are. The Canadians have spent years lulling us into complacency with their poutine & maple syrup. Soon they are going to attack, and it won't be pretty.
And I was really surprised that a 1986 Siberian prison was using electromagnetic locks. Not that they couldn't, just that it seems weird that it would be so high tech. I doubt they were investing big money in modernizing their gulags.
Perhaps he is just talking out of his butt about knowing all these famous people. "I've been around, man. I used to party with Genghis Khan. I smoked a bowl with Joe Stalin" etc.
I dunno. Is there a compelling reason to make any entertainment? If they do a good job, great, we have a few more things to laugh at in this bleak, depressing world. If they do a poor job, it's not like they are going back & burning all the copies of classic MST3K. I don't see what harm it can do.
A few days back I was eating Chinese food with my kids & it reminded me of the whole fortune cookie plotline from The Last Dragon, so I wound up explaining that to them, which led to explaining who Barry Gordy & Vanity & Debarge were.
I guess it was "Magic Science"? I mean, it is a machine created by a famous scientist, but it is also a complete piece of fantasy magic. It doesn't actually operate on any scientific principles.
I think Dracula is more anti-Continental propaganda. The ol' Count is a dirty, sexual European defiling the naive British virgins and whatnot.
If I remember from my trip there as a kid, one of them was pressed to death (basically made the meat in a Giant Stone Sandwich, IIRC)
OK, so I have gone my entire life & never seen this. Looks like it is available on Amazon streaming with a subscription to "Shudder" (14-day free trial available for Prime customers!) I know what I'm doing this weekend.