Whatever you need to pretend you’re not a monster, bro.
Whatever you need to pretend you’re not a monster, bro.
This is why I’m going to miss the Young Animal line, they were always very good at making readers feel like they were on drugs even when they weren’t.
Honey, I’ve been following the AV Club since the stone age, when Films That Time Forgot roamed the earth, and the only cancer around here is and has always been pissy, self-appointed arbiters of good taste like you.
I’m sorry, it’s just, I had held out hope so long he was just excessively and egregiously French, instead of a full blown monster.
I dunno, themes of anarchy and paranoia seem right up Louise’s alley and to a lesser extent Bob’s, I was more surprised when we found out Gene is a big fan of Luke Cage.
It’s cute how you think anyone would ever touch that button mushroom you call a dick.
Thank you for further confirming you know absolutely shit all about comedy, or performance, or basic English grammar. Do go on dispensing your little opinions though.
Tell you what bud, you go ahead and post a video of you and your dumbass buddies shooting the shit then, and let’s see what comic brilliance unfolds. I’m sure it’ll be a masterwork of collaborative, improvisational genius.
Cry more, ketchup eating little bitch.
<div class='gfyitem' data-id='RectangularSpeedyIrishwaterspaniel'></div>
Have they? I’ve had suspicions for a long time now. “Rose” displayed powers well beyond any ordinary gem on numerous occasions, her relationship with Pearl became a big red flag once they fleshed out just what Pearls were built to do and be, and then the trial called into question just how or even if Pink Diamond was…
Not bad, not quite up to par with some of his stuff on The Bugle though, he’s one of those comics who does better when he’s on a panel than by himself.
Ooh, an angry gamerbro who likes to dabble in regurgitated alt-white talking points, you must be a DEVIL with the ladies!
Coming from a part of the country terminally addicted to spicy food, I can confirm many if not most uninitiated white folks are incredibly squeamish about anything with more kick than the average jalapeno popper. Not that they’re entirely to blame, once you build up a tolerance it’s kind of easy to lose track of the…
Come for the tea, stay for the peasant slaughter!
Maybe that’s what this is, a social experiment to try and generate the world’s most depressing orgasm.
Nerd whines about word choices by nerd whining about word choices, the pedantry snake has eaten it’s own tail.
And people say the kinjapocalypse has degraded the quality of discussions around here!
Villain, or chessmaster, or both? I feel like it’s a three-way, this gave everyone what they wanted, the producers got a genuinely surprising way for Bendela to take the fall they were so obviously setting her up for anyway, Ben got to end on a high note instead of the inevitable lame ass coin-toss decision, and the…
Huh, I always thought the pool painting was a Great Gatsby ref, great job indeed, internet.