The Mango Mussolini can kindly go fuck himself, and his fake ass compassion. He’s got that anti-Midas power, all he touches turns to shit.
The Mango Mussolini can kindly go fuck himself, and his fake ass compassion. He’s got that anti-Midas power, all he touches turns to shit.
Also, FUCK YEEEEWWW KINJA; jesus but this silliness was hard to post.
Bienvenue, wilkommen avec “Bobâs Burgers”, yo soy en flagrante Esperanto neo!
Brilliant idea Twitterinos, take the ONE thing that still set your service apart from every other messaging app on the market, and then piss all over it. Amazing.
I thought I was getting a little bit of a Gravity Falls vibe off this show, and then GRAPPLING HOOK GUN!
It IS the money melon.
As opposed to spendign 100% of a post being a whiny little Nazi bitch. Go back to Stormfront you inbred trash.
Pure cowardice, as expected. Stone and Parker deserve congratulations though, they finally got what they wanted, Nazis and Klansmen and other assorted bigots can finally march around openly, no longer having to fear eeeeevil liberal censorship, because obviously wanting healthcare is exactly as bad as promoting…
Fuck that penny-ante New Yorker shit, THIS is the big time!
I’ll be listening to the blood rushing through my temples every time I try to get a single thing to work on this half-assed excuse for a garbage site.
This one’s for you, Ernie:
You can’t see it, because we’re inside of it.