Haven't the faintest, maybe a giant basket of essential hydrating beard oils, or a gift card at The Prancing Pony?
Haven't the faintest, maybe a giant basket of essential hydrating beard oils, or a gift card at The Prancing Pony?
I tend to agree, I was thinking more in terms of negotiating strategy; the odds are rather poor on getting Chris Rock money for a Zach Galifinakis-level product.
Nice idea, but Schumer should have picked some comedians at her own level of fame; you're not a living legend YET, dear.
They needed to pick a venue better suited to their eczema, asthma, and other assorted issues typically associated with members of the "master race", and other victims of inbreeding.
Scuttlebutt is it will hit this week, but nothing's been announced. Just in case, it's been a pleasure and a privilege to recreate with everyone, and I'll be sad to lose what we all had here a great deal, especially the old DS9 threads. Rapping Jake Sisko, I'll miss you most of all, dawg!
Confused? You won't be, after this episode of Twin Peaks!
SCOTS actually just put out a new album that's pretty great, maybe not Dirt Track Date great, but definitely worth a listen.
"Fat Wreck Chords’ Fat Music series was the mashed potatoes"
Really? You're going to try to denigrate mashed potatoes AND the Fat comps in a single breath? You DISGUST me, Kevin.
Maybe don't while you're talking about how you're going to burn our little clubhouse down, at least?
I wish this was more surprising, but let's face it, Gawker has been run by a bushel of assholes for a long time now, so it's hardly surprising they adopted a comments system that fits that theme..
I'm guessing none of them are "Ernie" then, because that guy is a complete twatwaffle.
Now THERE is the attitude I've come to expect from Kinja. Why do you even have this job? It's not because of your communication skills, clearly.
You are just the classic tech-bro, aren't you? Lemme explain something, you are not "disrupting" this space, you are skullfucking it to death.
If you guys put in the effort to allow basic nested structure and attribution, we wouldn't have to worry quite so much.
Fuck YOU, Ernie.
Oh goody, an extra step to get into a system I hate!
"We’ll also have a much bigger tech support and development team, along with much better, in-house comments support"
-Really easy to do when your system is such a piece of shit nobody wants to comment anymore.
"Kinja does not accommodate nested threading."
-Fuck that.
"As many of you know, one of the ways Kinja helps keep…
I'm weirdly susceptible to tearjerker moments in comics, but my top three for enjoyable emotional battery would have to be Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, which wrecked me good when I was a teenager, Sandman's A Game Of You, and, as has been mentioned, every other goddamned issue of Saga.
Right? It's like saying he has to wear socks and a bowler hat while he does the deed, just arbitrary.
Wasn't one of them also impregnated by the devil?
No, but the hyper-pragmatism is definitely a shared trait.