Yeah, but where was the sense of showmanship? Manderly was willing to eat people pie with a smile on his face to make his plan work, I respect that.
Yeah, but where was the sense of showmanship? Manderly was willing to eat people pie with a smile on his face to make his plan work, I respect that.
I guess technically it's mourning dress?
"The Lannister Thru-Way"?? What'll that asshole think of next?
We're never going to get to see the Amazing Lord Manderly And His Personalized Pies, are we?
Only season 4, Wilkins is just finishing what he started before they abruptly killed off TV Classic a few years back.
WaxTrump: Now with padded crotch and ass for enhanced kickability!
Quality, yes, obscure, no, not around these parts anyway.
I can't help but picture you suddenly turning and jabbering uncontrollably about the new Doctor at your glassy-eyed seatmate for the rest of the trip. God speed, Alasdair!
Wormhole is pretty reliable, I'd like the food stuff a lot better if most of it wasn't made up of videos and thinly disguised advertising.
The writing was on the wall the day they decided to end Classics coverage in the first place because it wasn't getting enough clicks. There's no time to think anymore, no time to let things digest, everything has to be regurgitated on the day of release or it might as well be so much hot garbage, or at least that's…
The whole thing reeks of some dipshit executive who's decided he's going to be The Guy who took GBBS mainstream. Like most would-be The Guys, he will fail and be replaced in about eighteen months by a virtually identical douchebag with virtually identical ideas.
My little theory is the angels can't use anyone already in heaven because it would attract suspicion if they had to disappear when they figured out God had gone AWOL. Heaven isn't a place people are known to leave, and the last time somebody got booted out it was a pretty big deal.
Funny, in the time it took you to type that, you could have sent a message telling the FCC where to ram it.
That was my one major problem with this first season; the animation studio does good action, and for the most part their design work holds up, but they seem to have mastered all of two expressions, Scowly McScowlface, and Oh Nooooo! It made for a weird disconnect during the comedy parts.
Fascinating, and yet you're apparent knowledge of world history seems to crap out completely on events prior to the last forty years; I've heard of young-earth creationism, but you're really something special. Try looking up "imperialism" some time, just for fun, you may be a teensy bit surprised at what your saintly…
You're not much of a student of history, are you son?
Sure, but that's why Wrestling Jesus invented the heel-face turn.
What can I say, I know it's a bit hard on the antichrist, but he's no bowl of cherries either.
It's been a pleasure to follow these recaps, but I have one Final Thought: I will never understand the level and degree of hatred for Mark this season. He is a decidedly shitty husband, sure enough, but he is not, in fact, Harry Crane, or the Antichrist, or whoever people are projecting onto an otherwise pretty minor…
Perfectly punctuated by that final shot of Maron's sad, flat little butt.