A Rising Ape

Captioning says yes.

I kept holding out hope they'd work that one in this season, or anything off Beat the Champ, but no dice. Maybe next year.

Somewhere between a lot, and a shitload, fortunately it's all been obsessively annotated here:
The Ballad of Bull Ramos is an especially fun/tragic rabbit-hole.

My feeling is, the line between sexual preference and sexual identity is a blurry one at the best of times. Whether or not he liked men, I think his fascination with women's clothing at least puts him somewhere on the genderqueer spectrum.

Ed Wood's batty, cross-dressing classic Glen or Glenda (1953) is an interesting example of early queer cinema. It's sensationalistic and schlocky, of course, but underneath the craziness is a sympathetic expression of Wood's own sexuality.

I thought "tie me" was meant to indicate that now the new cyberbits were turned on, the "patients" were no longer in control of their bodies' actions, hence the need for some restraints.

P.S. I am NOT a crackpot!

They had Centipede. IN A HOUSE. Wrestling name aside, the girl's not made of stone.

I was definitely getting that vibe from this episode (and Florian), neither seems sexually interested in women, they've been together forever, they have a lifestyle that's flamboyantly odd even by weird rich guy standards, they even have a COSTUME CLOSET. It's probably just a manchild thing, but it would not totally

Oh, of courseofcourseof COURSE! Now, Chavo Jr., well, all I can say is DAT ASS!

Oh yeah, it's Little Marc's time to shine!

I'm not sure I want to live in a world where I can't trust a company called Alphabiocentrix.

The name of that one movie? Horse Dancer.

He was prescribed by Dr. Medicine himself.

She is A Voice of A Very Narrow Slice of A Generation, I will grant her that.

♫Oh I hate every rat I see, from rodenti-A through rodenti-Z!

Sir? Lauoreighiya Samcake's lawyer is on line two.

Fuller picked his moment to go full on Pushing Daisies, and he picked it well. Easter was the perfect match for the aesthetic, and Chenoweth was perfect for the role of Easter. DAMN that man is good.

The way they pulled in, I think she was reacting to the picture on the menu (old head-shot of hers, presumably).

Damn it, so I was, that's what I get for making comments on my phone while I'm in a hurry.