Rogen's gotten pretty weird over the years, but I will always have a fondness in my heart for the cast of Newsradio (yes, even Andy Dick).
Rogen's gotten pretty weird over the years, but I will always have a fondness in my heart for the cast of Newsradio (yes, even Andy Dick).
Is being a disgusting cretin just an automatic pre-requisite for Youtube stardom now?
You can be a minister in the Universal Life Church in about five minutes if you go through their website.
Attention counts as worship, apparently, although by that logic I'll be spending eternity in a celestial game of World of Warcraft, which as afterlives go is… meh.
Well, it's not quite a Kindle, and it's not quite a ninja, but maaaan does it SUCK.
Sheez, fine, no need to call me a whole.
"For those of us permanently caught up in the unending shit cascade of the American political system" is a quality first line to any article, especially via Facebook, quality work there Hughes.
Jumping straight to the end for some knee-jerk pedantry and complaining is kind of our whole THING here in the commentariat, Myles, it's like you don't even know us sometimes.
That's fair enough I suppose, I'm prepared to roll with experiments as long as there's some sort of intelligence at work behind all the crazed flailing. I still think you would have been better off splitting this thing into halves or thirds though, but that's just my peanut-gallery bullshit talking. Regardless, I…
I mostly appeal to spray-paint huffing Juggalos and extreme sexual deviants, but six of one, half-dozen of the other.
Could editorial PLEASE pick a better format for these Netflix recaps, and stick to it? MST3K has turned out to be a single-page disaster, and dumping them all at once isn't much better; both methods get in the way of having a discussion, which also eats into traffic. Stop trying to fix what isn't broken, and stick…
Say what you will about his qualifications, but Lord Buckethead's Stop Selling Arms to Saudi Arabia, Start Buying Lasers From Lord Buckethead policy seems like the real way forward.
No, no, just joking around, however unsuccessfully.
Aaand now I've got THAT theme song stuck in my head.
Huh, alright then, just generally middle-American, I guess.
Oh I'm fine with the coverage, I just meant that if all Netflix is going to get for their payola is ambivalence, they should probably just save their money.
This show is a midwestern, 1970's King of the Hill meets All in The Family… thing. If Netflix is paying for these reviews, they should probably stop.
Until you pointed it out just now, I thought Vulcan WAS in the book, that's how well he blends in!
That was my take: "White Jesus is a territorial fucker, isn't he?"
This may be the most discussion-proof format for recaps ever attempted at the AV Club.