It was mostly intended to demonstrate the inherent failures of the giant monopolies fucking up the economy of the late 19th century, the fact it applies to capitalism as a whole is more of a happy accident.
It was mostly intended to demonstrate the inherent failures of the giant monopolies fucking up the economy of the late 19th century, the fact it applies to capitalism as a whole is more of a happy accident.
That, and the whole "educational" angle. The wee ones learn about basic math, and with any luck, fraud, resentment, and the fundamental cruelty of life itself.
Plausible, if a bit convoluted, I do wonder if the sword thing isn't a bit of a misdirect though. Pearl has other weapons, and we don't actually know if any of them are even capable of shattering someone.
Interesting theory, it raises a hell of a lot of follow-up questions, but that's all totally possible right now. Man I love this crazy mixed-up show!
Matter of taste, I found it annoying at first, but it grew on me, rake gag-style, plus her timing seemed to improve.
As a fellow driver, I'm not getting that vibe at all; I like the work and I like the money, but I'll also be among the first to admit that Uber itself is a horrrible company full of horrible people. Save your loyalty for an outfit that might actually give some back.
It's enough of a miracle that show was allowed to exist even once.
Sweeney has basically turned into Wile E. Coyote at this point, both in his ability to attract massive physical harm, and his comparative rate of success.
"Does anyone actually do this in real life?!"
In a naturalistic fashion?! No!. As a means to keep the sexy vibe going!? Very yes!!
"I have no real knowledge of or opinion about this artist but I'm going to whine because this is different and different things are scary, BLAAAAH!"
It's shit like this that makes you such a fucking chore, commentariat, it really does. Love ya Ez'!
He's a fine kid! Some of the neighbors say he smokes crack, but I don't believe it.
The worst part was the staff didn't even OFFER to collect and tongue-wash it for me!
Glossing over the obvious weird Freudiness of it all, I like to think it means Louise is the sort of person who wants to be needed, and Gene is the sort who would rather be taken care of.
Just like that talking frying pan that won't stop screaming when you put it on the fire, it's even got the same judgmental tone. "You think you really need THAT MUCH butter?" Screw you, frying pan!
Although now you mention it, Jack's upringing WAS kind of culty. Not on the same level as being raised by demon-worshipping assasins, of course, but his entire life has been dedicated to killing Aku since he was like, nine.
Because it's a slippery slope. Once your basic right to control your own body goes, the rest are never far behind.
I'm up for pretty much anything Jeff Lemire does right now, plus Jonathan Hickman and Matt Fraction to an only slightly lesser extent. Also Ellis, I've only gotten through the first four volumes of TransMet so far, but I like the cut of that man's gibberish.
Pretty sure it's Schnuckiputzi.
"It’s a nicely fried piece of chicken cutlet, one that could be served as a schnitzel of chicken tonkatsu, with few being able to tell the difference."
Or, indeed, what the fuck you're even talking about.
I mean, he was clear this was satire, and not an instruction manual, right?