Ah, Post-Grad Panic, I'm right there with ya bud, here's to shared misery, and an incomprehensible, unknowable future! It'll all work out in the end, maybe!
Ah, Post-Grad Panic, I'm right there with ya bud, here's to shared misery, and an incomprehensible, unknowable future! It'll all work out in the end, maybe!
Well then you're in luck: It got good! Not go back and watch it from the first episode good, but y'know, ever since the most recent Halloween episode, things have really been coming together.
Ah, but what if he makes his own fresh-jarred home-made pickles, what then?
Oh yeah, that jacket and tie combo, do something classy to me baby!
Dilbert tried to warn us, WHY didn't we listen??
It's not a competition, an atrocity is an atrocity.
Admittedly, that is a hassle, but that's also why I like to take out any cash I need when I'm buying groceries; any denomination you want, no charge, no extra stops. It's a life-hack!
Oh yeah, we just liberated cities, the ones we didn't fire-bomb so hard everybody inside MELTED.
Incredible as that may sound.
Their info is out of date, at least since the big settlement in California; there's even a note on the corporate website: https://help.uber.com/h/f73…
It's an old tax-dodge, I mean, policy, they gave it up around about last year.
Uber tried to ban it, then they stopped, and confusion has reigned ever since. It actually showed up in the terms of the California settlement, "Drivers will now be permitted to hang a small sign stating 'Tips are allowed, but not compulsory.'"
A handful of singles would weigh you down that badly, eh? You're a willowy-hipped one, aren't you?
Just speaking from my own perspective as a driver, you're fine. Uber has floated so many lies and half-truths about how tipping works with them that only an asshole is going to blame the customers.
My entire record collection consists of The Billy and the Boingers Bootleg, and that flexi they stuck on the back of Ghostbusters cereal.
The Fantastic Mr. Fox is a nice solid fit, you've got your quirky yet slightly foreboding backdrop, an irresponsible parent endangering his family to relive past glories, and an implacable enemy with a taste for wildly outsize acts of retribution who can never be truly defeated. The final monologue even kind of…
That one as well. I'm starting to think that stuff was some sort of Muppet cocaine.
I have nothing further to contribute on this subject, but that orange fruit mulch reminds me of the crayon factory segment from Sesame Street.
Oh I'm sure the pieces of fruit-mulch are juuuust big enough to meet whatever half -assed FDA standard exists to qualify as "chopped", but the fact people could get 95% of the contents out using only their fists makes the details of processing largely irrelevant: Juicero es no bueno.
Fun Fact: The pouches don't even contain chopped fruit, it's basically already juice the moment you get it.