A Rising Ape

I'd happily settle for a bit of both, maybe this maybe-Rose opted not to submit to either side and just spent the last few millenia partying around and being generally amazing.

At this point, if mystery girl doesn't turn out to be a rogue Rose Quartz (try saying that three times fast) I'll eat my tinfoil hat.

Admittedly I got tired of their schtick a long time ago, but way to pussy out at the worst possible time guys!

Yalls should read Alan Dean Foster's Sentenced to Prism some time, it's about a planet filled with silicon based life forms, and dovetails rather well with Theory B there.

Oh hell, well that's what I get for watching ahead. You're right, the Founders' civ is definitely much closer to old school apocalypse fiction, although the fixation with RPG tropes adds a bit of a twist.

I actually felt like AT's broken utopia had a distinctly 21st century vibe, seeing as it's basically one big riff on Internet culture, what with the self stratifying, newspeak dribbling, violence loving, instant gratification obsessed zombie-folk and all.

Given the size of of the station, it seems like there would be room for more than one enclosure, and knowing how the diamonds tend to think, and this show's love of video game tropes, probably three. I'd lay bets on ocean for Blue, and desert for Yellow, with maybe a THX1138 style techno-dystopia hiding in the

Bummer, having seen it already *COUGH* through purely legal means, I think there's a lot more to unpack with this one, but hey, better than nothing.

Loving this SBomb and all, but does anyone know why there doesn't seem to be any coverage for AT: Islands? I'm guessing/hoping they'll at least do a single review for the lot on Friday, but still, what the hell damn guys?

So it's exactly as good as Ghostbusters 2, then.

Awww yiss, Knudsen's is the SHIIIIT for Bloody Marys, especially the spicy mix. This guy is alright.

Oh my GOD, political moderatism, what a HORRIBLE idea that would be! Guess we better just sit on our asses, and let the fascists win.

That's rather unfair, at some point, Ringwraiths used to have souls.

Nice to see he's working on that whole trying not to sound condescending thing, it'd be a shame if he came off like a cranky old fart.

I'm fine with it, as long as they're required to ensure that she makes all posthumous appearances in the form of a giant, talking Prozac pill.

Oh, she's just pissed off because a house landed on her sister.

Considering the obvious tie-ins with Daredevil and Jessica Jones, Single She-hulk Lawyer should already be in production. I have nothing against the character or the show, yet, but how the hell did we get to the point where bloody Iron Fist has his own series, meanwhile Shulky's barely even a footnote.

Fine, you're always right about everything, have fun worrying yourself into an early grave, that'll REALLY show 'em.

Right?? It's only fucking Carl, the most disgusting, beyond ultra-right piece of shit ever, now a part of the SU Universe. Fucking CARL, MAN!

"Underrated"? Jesus, the AV Club has finally lost the plot completely, haven't they? I remember when you guys were the scrappy little site behind Films That Time Forgot and deep-diving, episode-by-episode recaps of classic shows, and now? Fucking second-banana Super Deluxe.