Same, I love ENG, but it's really more of a Chuck Jones movie wearing a Disney-skin suit.
Same, I love ENG, but it's really more of a Chuck Jones movie wearing a Disney-skin suit.
I don't think Bernie does either, really, he's much better off in the role of sainted outsider and cheerleader for the new guard.
See also: Lilo and Stitch.
Nah, that's just a conspiracy cooked up by the Anti-Defamation League.
I feel like the bitter sarcasm isn't coming through on this one, so just to confirm, that is indeed a JOKE.
Suddenly I have an idea for the world's most depressing Disney musical number. Goes a little something like this:
♫There are none!
There are none!
Not a single goddamn one!
They don't want any women,
They think girls aren't any fun!
Ugly red baseball caps took over that niche about six months ago, pay attention man.
Again, how is the DNC aggressively pissing away the votes they didn't have that Bernie tried to add to their party his fault?
Given how narrowly the pumpkin-in-chief won, I feel like the whole blatantly cheating the Bernie campaign thing is still KIND OF important. If they had simply let things play out as they inevitably would have, instead of blatantly interfering, he might have actually been able to bring a lot his more disgruntled people…
*Tears well up*
It… it's so BEAUTIFUL. ♫Myyyy couunntryyy tiiis' of theeee….
Don't talk nonsense boy, without the electrical college, how else would ignorant country-fried crackers stay on top? The system works!
Unless they're planning on abolishing elections completely and declaring Trump Dictator For Life, I think they'll just hobble the filibuster, if they bother to do anything to it, at best it's just a delaying tactic when your opponent can barely even swing a 2/3rds majority vote. There's a good reason it's been in use…
Bit of a questionable statistic though, I'd be curious to see how they came up with it, technically I get 90% of my news "from Facebook", but that's because I use it to follow about a dozen real, well-established news sites.
Sounds like every morning I've had for the past week:
"Well that was a horrible nightmare, thank god it's over th-awwww, DAMN IT."
Take a Xanax bud, yes we've lurched toward fascism, but we ain't there yet. The Weimar was a lawless, starvation-wracked hellscape, all we've done is sign up for a re-run of the Bush administration, so far. If they manage to crash the economy again, and maybe start World War 3, THEN it'll be a sensible comparison.
Nice, now I finally have a reason to follow TV Club on the reg again, it's been quite a while.
Oy, disappointing on so many levels. Any chance this will lead to some self-reflexive criticism about how they spent the entire election repeating a tired false equivalency?
Huge surprise.
Before, certainly, dunno about since, Miyazaki's had a pretty big impact, ever since Mononoke got a proper stateside release, and Adventure Time (and Steven Universe, and Over the Garden Wall) blur the line between entertainment for kids and art for adults to the point of non-existence, although I might be a bit…
Ironic, considering you dipshits dropped coverage for Black-ish, but insist on continuing to follow this dull-eyed, piece-of-shit show. Pays the bills, I guess.
And yet, you keep coming back.
Says the man laying down an impassioned defense of crock-pot garbage food, but way to try and imply I'm a racist for thinking chili is a stupid food.