A Rising Ape

I feel you on the tonal issues; I've already gone and rewatched it, and the whole first third just sort of flails around hitting the basic BoJack beats without actually giving them any sense of context or purpose, like the writers got bored with the whole Jill Pill plotline halfway through, but hacked it out anyway

It's still up and still worth watching. For everyone who hasn't seen it yet, think Rescue Me before it turned into a shitty soap opera.

His VA died just a few months ago, so a gap IS available in the cosmos…

Lady Dynamite had a fair few.
Netflix: Your #1 Source For Harrowing Mental Illness-Based Entertainment!

Don't forget Buckfast, and deep-frying!

Died or SOMETHING, I'm still curious what that super-pissed-off mega-bubble in the moonbase is about. The Rubies conveniently bypassed it on their tour.

It's pretty doubtful at this point, but Rubies do have a tendency to get tricked a lot, so I won't rule out shenanigans juuust yet.

I got a shovel delivery here for a Boshwack Horse-man, somebody wanna sign for this?

So THAT'S the secret! I was a bit confused when I saw this pop up.

Also Brickface vs. Stucco, god DAMN they were ahead of the curve.

I tend to think Tilt gets shafted for similar reasons, "Rock on, gals, but not TOO hard."

I'm with ya, and consider this: They've also (probably) never tried to fight anyone while they were being transformed, whereas Steven had a brush with corruption in it's "live" state. Alls I'm sayin' is, that was a hell of a lot of frames for just a ripped shirt.

Even a graze on the skin seems like it could be bad though…

Well now, if you're going to take that tone, I'm going to keep holding out hope purely out of spite. In the name of Ridiculous Plot Twists!

I think it's a thin thread to say the least, bordering on trolling the audience at this point, but I do think it's possible they were leaving the door open for that possibility, just a crack.

Sadly, we also know that ROSE LIES.

The use of the possessive is just a little bit interesting though. Her leader, HIS literal diamond? Could be good, could be good…

Ah gotcha, like I said, fine line. It makes for a good contrast, Carolyn's savior complex is great in a manageable crisis like a wacky restaurant mishap, but it turns into something cancerous when it gets bound up in the toxic mishmash of sex and depression and friendship and spite and money and addiction that is the

I will always love that in this universe, it's a perfectly normal part of small-talk to rattle off random facts about your species.

There's a fine line between helpful friend, and codependent enabler, but PC and Bojack's relationship careened over the event-horizon years ago. Saving BoJack from himself ultimately just keeps them both in stasis, he never has to get better, and she never has to focus on herself.