A Rising Ape

That's pretty much my impression, the schism was as potentially threatening to Rose as the weapon itself, and given how easily Bismuth slotted back into a leadership role with the team, I can't say I'd completely blame Rose if she just gave up on finding a solution after while.

Nah, snakes typically swallow their prey lying down, horizontal-like, Amethyst eats more like a duck.

Pre-Columbian Tex Avery Cartoon is my elevator-pitch for this movie.

Eartha Kitt: Best Catwoman of All Time, Best Disney Villainess of All Time, may god rest her soul.

*Affixes tinfoil hat*
Sorry, had to be done. As quickly as possible: Rose's gem is still intact, it's been previously said that Rose and Steven can't exist "at the same time" (approximate), implying that they *can* exist separately but not concurrently, and finally, consider this: With all of the

I too will be doing a Kentucky Route Zero catch-up this weekend, I tried to dive into the new installment last night, and it's just been waaaay too long, to the point I can only half remember who anyone is. Granted, that is sort of fitting for the tone of these games, but it got to be a bit frustrating.

Makes me wonder, now his healing secretions are back on, what would happen if Steven fused with Lapis? Shit could get downright Biblical…

If it's not connected to the wailing stones in some way, I'll eat my tinfoil hat.

That was more or less my assumption; unless this is just one incredibly lucky monstrosity, the creatures seem to have carved out their own evolutionary niche based on their ability to interact with reality-holes and snatch victims from offworld.

That's the best KIND of science!

But her VA is still alive! It's still good, it's still good!

In fairness, what was Picard supposed to do, declare a one man war on the concept of fire?

Well fuck me with a big rubber dick, so he did! Love it! Loved that man!

Her hair is a masterpiece of period frump, it's like a Billie Jean King but with a light perm.

Only in that they're finally safe, a long, LONG way away from Shane MacGowan's mouth.

Sweet jesus, that was an actual job? No wonder you guys are hosed!

Yours makes that horrible grinding shriek too eh?

Yes yes, I know, I'm just being pedantic; interpretation is all well and good, but there is a point where it turns into writing a whole new story on top of the old one. If you haven't seen it, check out Room 237 some time, basically a compilation of fan-interpretations of The Shining, tap-dances all over that line.

Weeelll authorial intent is KIND OF important, just not with relation to melanin content. Otherwise I completely agree, I only question her motives in corroborating things the way she did. I'd have been happier if Rowling had just stated it plainly: "Who gives a fuck, cast a trans Phillipino refugee with a squint for

Fine, rationale, point is she needn't have bothered trying to justify a self-justifying decision, especially in such a self-ingratiating way. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like Rowling is trying to horn in on the credit here.