Still a really, REALLY weak excuse.
Still a really, REALLY weak excuse.
There's a dongle due out at the end of the month that will collect whatever pops up nearby just by clicking a button. I'm a bit annoyed they didn't just assign this function to, say, the power button, but then they couldn't charge $34.99 for the privilege. Oh who the hell am I kidding, off to pre-order!
There's something about catching pokemon at night that's so… unwholesome.
The plots, and the wardrobe, and the hair, poor little goober was buried alive by other people's shitty choices.
Joe Lo Truglio has about the right mix of overbite and squinch-face.
She is KIND OF squareish, on average, but yeah, I was hoping for something with a bit of Picasso or Escher thrown into the mix on this one. Really, I was hoping the bismuth was going to be something completely inhuman, like the sand-glass gem, but again, no dice.
Come to think of it, he's basically a Vogon with a spray-tan already.
"With that being said, did you get to keep the prosthetic butt?"
-Great Moments In AV Club Journalism
Farscape was doing pan-sexual alien fuckfests before it was cool (and before the Sci-Fi Channel branding department lost their tiny fucking minds). That's not a complaint mind, merely an observation, mankind needs fresh pan-sexual alien fuckfests now more than ever. I just hope TV club will still be around to cover…
Seems to be the case; as mentioned upthread, he's got a lengthy track-record roasting Rush Limbaugh and his various bloated spawn, so he's got to be at least a little ambivalent about the whole Neocon/Tea Party fuck-show that's taken over the party.
That's modern journalism for ya, screw corroboration! Just get a statement from one source, and a lack of outright denials from two more, and then run that baby!
My hopes aren't high, I admit, but a man doesn't work with Kevin Murphy for twenty years without learning SOME kind of tolerance.
Who knows, the kids have to be mostly grown by now so that ought to cut down on the internal ideological pressure, but he also voted for Bush 2 when people KNEW BETTER, so I doubt he's going to be joining the Minnesota Pride parade anytime soon either.
I have no idea how they divvy up the religious chores, but Wikipedia boils the whole thing down thusly:
Then RUN boy! Save yourself!
Counter-counterpoint: As long as Kid Rock is still inexplicably alive, Nu-Metal will always have a more appropriate whipping boy. Obviously, the waterboarding can proceed regardless.
The Mads would be rather hurt as well.
"What are we, not EVIL enough for you??"
Pretty much, he's just a plain old heartland conservative, who happened to fall in with a bunch of TOTAL FREAKS.
There are rumors, but no particularly hard pieces of evidence have come up, there was an interview he did with a small Christian publication that caused a bit of a flap, but I haven't been able to find it in years. As far as I can make out, he has some rather weird right-wing beliefs and possibly some shitty taste in…
Or if your prejudices run more left-wards, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Come to the desert, where nobody really gives a fuck who you are!