It's not easy work, but it's a great place to hone one's bitterness and passive aggression. These days I can pack an entire treatise on the Rights of Man into a single, barely audible "Mm-HMM."
It's not easy work, but it's a great place to hone one's bitterness and passive aggression. These days I can pack an entire treatise on the Rights of Man into a single, barely audible "Mm-HMM."
All I can remember is an endless waterfall of coke sweat.
I think the best survival strategy for Australia is to just label EVERYTHING you see "Do Not Touch", pending further research.
But that's madness! How else are you gonna keep the King of England out of your face??
Well sure that helps, but we need a PRACTICAL solution over here.
Completely understandable, they do seem to have added some legitimately new ideas to the formula, so I don't really begrudge anything about OW but the price point. The enjoyment of team-based games relies on an inscrutable mix of market saturation, good timing, and the right circle of available friends, a process I…
This is why Australia doesn't have a mass-shooting problem, you guys are too busy fighting off the entire ecosystem to waste ammo on each other.
I thought it was because of the giant spiders, and the heat, and the neurotoxin-laden man o' wars, and the dingoes, and the alcohol fueled violence…
I am absolutely certain somebody died working on Mad Max, just as a matter of probability. Half the goddamned cast were cranked-up bikeys paid primarily in slabs of shitty, cheap beer (that's "cases" to us weak-kidneyed Americans). I doubt they ever told George, of course, but I'd bet even money there are a couple…
The grumpy old man in me wants to bitch about how this is just TF2 with tits and a massive price-hike, but fuck it, Valve never supported the console version, and it's about time the young'uns got a taste. Have at it, you poor PC-less bastards!
That is an unfortunate combination of maladies, you have my sincere well-wishes there. As for Grim Fandango, it's a lovely game in many ways, but I would just keep the GameFAQS page open for the puzzles. They just get in the way, which, admittedly is their job, but there is a goddamned limit, and they ca-ROSSED it…
And in a similar vein, who the fuck was black-balling Ken Loach all this time?
This list is awfully tame, smut-peddler notwithstanding. What about say, Weapon Brown, an ultra-violent splatterfest featuring/desecrating all the most beloved figures of 20th Century comics:http://www.whatisdeepfried….
Loved Templar, AZ, even if it probably won't get finished. She built such a wonderfully odd little world (The Sassy Cavvy!) with such great characters (Reagan! Mose!), and it was all so nicely crafted and put-together. Maybe she'll get around to it once she gets tired of raising a comic empire.
It sounds like it could have come out in the mid-70s, lots of pulpy, anti-authoritarian thrills and fevered paranoia. Definitely worth a Netflix.
Yuuup. Not every fight is worth having, especially if you have to work with these ding-dongs everyday.
There's the usual knee-jerk, culturally indoctrinated stuff, but that's easy enough to keep a handle on that I don't worry about it much. I have, however, been accused of being a misogynist, or at least a "Bad Feminist" for liking drag queens, and that still sticks in my craw. Obviously I'd prefer to just dismiss it…
Really. COLIN Baker? Welp, you do you, buddy!
Or even a "Come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off".
At least nobody's trying to be Welsh yet, that really will be the final bell.